LOL! Quiz fail! Hahahahaha

May 17, 2011 17:24

 After watching a video on called Last of the Czars, which details the final years of the Russian Romanov dynasty, I gave my students a quiz, partly because they pissed me off and weren't paying attention.

One of the questions asked, "Where did the Romanovs initially receive asylum?"  The answer is Great Britain (but it was later revoked).

Well, one of my genius kids who obviously paid very close attention (not) to the video answered, "The woods."  LOL!!!!!!!!  *falls off chair laughing*

The sad thing is that they could take notes and use them on the quiz... Oh, and they're supposed to be IB/AP kids.  :-/  Can we say fail????

random, humor, real life, fail, school crap

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