"We'll put a boot in your ass. It's the American way!"

May 02, 2011 00:29

 Or a bullet, bomb, what ever the hell it takes, however the hell long it takes!  HELL YEAH!

Osama bin Laden is no more.  *does happy dance *

It's like a cloud has lifted and I can breathe a bit easier.  I know there are probably a thousand idiots that can jump in and take his place, but I really don't care.  Today has been more than 10 years in the making and I'm overjoyed.

The evil man responsible for so much death to so many all across this planet has finally received justice and met his maker.  Some how I bet he's disappointed.  Instead of virgin's, he dealing with flames.  I bet there's a special spot in hell carved out just for him.

To all the families of 9/11 and other victims of terrorism, we got him!

GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.!!!!!!!!!

real life, personal

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