Hey guys, here's your scheduled activity check for the month of July! As you (hopefully) all know, the activity requirements are: involvement in four (4) separate posts with at least three (3) different players for that month.
The following characters haven't made the requirement and we have no hiatus records for them, so if you'd like to keep your character and not have them swept from the taken list, please comment here and we'll cross you off the list. As detailed in
this post, only characters who did not have any activity from before the DDoS attack downtime were penalized for activity.
Caroline Forbes →
nobodylshome Coordinator Narvin →
timecoordinator Wikus van der Merwe →
willkeeptrying Additionally, the following characters have not posted in the past two months and need to make an open post this month in order to pass the upcoming activity check:
Angela Dodson →
deniedthesight Caroline Forbes →
nobodylshome Coordinator Narvin →
timecoordinator Jason Stackhouse →
eggplantgout Jenny →
timedaughter Sookie Stackhouse →
lajolieblonde Many apologies if you were on hiatus and it was missed! If you do need to go on hiatus, please comment to the
appropriate post and drop an entry into the OOC comm to let your castmates and CR know that you'll be gone. It is very important that you remember to TAG YOURSELVES so you get appropriate credit for your characters and nothing gets overlooked. ♥