Jul 29, 2011 16:34

Hello, Taxon! In regards to how the activity check is going to be handled this month, as many of you have asked, please do not fret. The DDoS attacks that LiveJournal was experiencing prevented everyone from posting and tagging as we regularly would, and we do not expect our players to force themselves within the span of three days to meet activity requirements. Thus, we are going to be very lenient in how we judge activity for July. As long as you have some activity for July prior to the 25th, you're fine and need not worry.

If you have any further questions about activity or questions about other things, such as plots and glitches, etc., please do not hesitate to ask us. You may reply here or e-mail us (taxonmods[@]gmail[dot]com) if you're unable to comment on LiveJournal. We're aware that the site issues have not evened out for everyone, so please do not try and force your way through the site if it is still inaccessible to you. As always, your mods are here to help with anything and everything; if there's something we can do to help you get back into the swing of things after this downtime, we're more than happy to do so.

DON'T FORGET TO TAG YOUR POSTS and stay shiny, oh glittering diamonds of Taxon. ♥

activity check, modly post

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