023: [ visual ] / [ location: Hyperion Hotel ] Before I come undone

May 29, 2010 14:36

No, no, no -


Cordelia wakes up with a start, sitting upright on her bed with her hands clutching her blanket like a lifeline. For several moments she looks around her in alarm, wondering where the hell she is and where the others are, wondering if this is another one of those times she unfortunately opened her eyes only to be sliced and ( Read more... )

{ wesley wyndam-pryce, { harvestman, { winifred burkle, { lorne, { spike, buffy summers, { max guevara, { levi blakely, @ speares, { godric, { angel, { cordelia chase

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Comments 229

[visual] faderbroderson May 29 2010, 07:00:07 UTC
Godric jolts awake in bed, wrested out of a sound sleep by Cordelia's cry. Few other things would have woken him; a tree could have fallen outside and he might have only turned over. But Cordelia's voice, crying out, is something that he's become unfortunately attuned to. For the briefest moment, he's back in the Master's makeshift torture chamber, listening to someone else's suffering. But he's not, of course. He's in his room, and the cry came from the tablet. He reaches for it, groggy and still recovering, but unnaturally whole. The injuries he'd suffered are completely gone.

"...Are you alright?" He knows she's not, but his tone indicates that he's asking in relative terms.


[visual] glowingseer May 29 2010, 07:07:16 UTC
She grabs her tablet, and for a few moments contemplates on setting it to voice. Cordelia doesn't want anyone to see her, not when she looks like a History exhibit reject.

But then, this is Godric, and god knows he's already seen her in a state far, far worse than she's in right now.

"Hey," she whispers. Any other day and his question would have garnered a catty reply. Now? Cordelia finds she has no strength to even think of a sharp answer. "No. You?"


[visual] faderbroderson May 29 2010, 07:24:53 UTC
"...I've been better." Godric has been in very bad situations in his long life, and has suffered worse injuries than the ones the Master inflicted on him. But by its nature, torture is horrific and traumatizing, and there had been one element of it that Godric had not been prepared for. As someone who's been a vampire most of his life, his mind had never been invaded. Apparently there truly is a first time for everything.



[visual] glowingseer May 29 2010, 07:33:27 UTC
She, on the other hand, is quite frankly a bit used to the whole 'mind-invasion' thing. That's how her visions work, after all. But she's never been in a situation where she's being hurt and, at the same time, watching someone else suffer live.

Three cheers for first time fever.

Cordelia nods, then goes to sit on her bed. "Yeah," she says quietly. "I can... still see it. Hear it." Which is unavoidable, considering her hands are tied all throughout the event. "It just won't go away. Like we're still in there."


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[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 07:12:57 UTC
Cordelia is really trying her best not to cry at just how awful she looks. She's just thankful that she's alone in her room, and she turns around, ready to head back to bed and hide there forever--

--and then she yelps, hand clutching her shirt and her heart beating like a drum. Because Angel's suddenly there, and how come she didn't notice him before?

"...are you trying to kill me on purpose?" she demands of the vampire.


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[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 07:45:26 UTC
Because really, this is what she needs right now. A non-conversation with a non-talking vampire.

Cordelia takes several deep breaths, trying to stop her heart from pounding so fast. "How long have you been there, anyway?"


[ location: cordelia's room ] demonologist May 29 2010, 07:44:26 UTC
Wesley knocks softly and then pops his head into the room. He knows that Angel is likely lurking in the room, fretting over her recovery.

"I thought you might like some tea. It's earl grey, very soothing. I also took the liberty of making you some toast. Peanut butter and jam. I wasn't sure what you'd like."

He hovers by the door, not wanting to intrude if she would rather be alone, or only with Angel.


[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 07:51:48 UTC
Shooting the seemingly comatose Angel a dirty look, Cordelia walks over to the door and opens it.

"Only English people like tea, Wes," she says, frowning at him openly - as if unsure of why he's here in the first place. "I like coffee better, remember?"


[ location: cordelia's room ] demonologist May 29 2010, 08:02:00 UTC
"Yes, I do, actually. It's just that we had to use the coffee pot as part of the rescue." He pauses, adjusting the tray in his hands. Yes, he's acting like a mother hen but he's just over-protective sometimes. Angel is worse! "I suppose I could hatch some coffee. A cappucino?"


[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 08:07:00 UTC
"You had to do what with the coffee pot?" That's probably the first time she's heard of such a thing. What, did the rescuers get a hankering for coffee or something?

Cordelia shakes her head slightly, before reaching for the tray-- then she stops, and consciously tugs the sleeves lower, trying to cover as much damaged skin as she can. "No, no, it's okay. The tea's okay, I guess."


[Voice] breakmychest May 29 2010, 09:57:49 UTC
Look, d'you need anything? Though I figure you've got Angel there waiting on you hand and foot, not to mention the rest of everyone. Just thought I'd-- never mind.


[Voice] glowingseer May 29 2010, 10:01:37 UTC
[ well, isn't this a bit surprising. ]

You just thought you'd... what?


[Voice] breakmychest May 29 2010, 10:14:09 UTC

[That wasn't supposed to sound like a question. He's just not very good at this.]

Bugger. I'm just trying to... you know. Extend my sympathies and all that. Guess I'm trying to see how you are. Except it's not too hard to guess, is it?


[Voice] glowingseer May 29 2010, 10:18:23 UTC
[ ...kinda obvious, Spike. ]

Well, I usually don't wear this much gauze on a regular basis. Kinda ruins my whole hip ensemble, if you ask me.


[Voice] fireburned May 29 2010, 11:32:33 UTC
[Harvestman hasn't been planning on talking to her. He hasn't planned on talking to anyone - he's on the verge of throwing himself at the city's barrier like Buffy had. This joke of a city wasn't so funny anymore.]

You'll be okay.

[Oh, and he also sounds like shit.]


[Voice] glowingseer May 29 2010, 11:34:27 UTC

[ then she pauses, because, oh, right. Glitched. ]



[Voice] fireburned May 29 2010, 11:36:42 UTC
[there's a great deal of tight anger when he speaks. It's not directed at her, but that's hard to tell.]

John's dead.


[Voice] glowingseer May 29 2010, 11:46:29 UTC
[ silence, as she tries to understand what that means. ]

Fanged again, huh?


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