023: [ visual ] / [ location: Hyperion Hotel ] Before I come undone

May 29, 2010 14:36

No, no, no -


Cordelia wakes up with a start, sitting upright on her bed with her hands clutching her blanket like a lifeline. For several moments she looks around her in alarm, wondering where the hell she is and where the others are, wondering if this is another one of those times she unfortunately opened her eyes only to be sliced and ( Read more... )

{ wesley wyndam-pryce, { harvestman, { winifred burkle, { lorne, { spike, buffy summers, { max guevara, { levi blakely, @ speares, { godric, { angel, { cordelia chase

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[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 07:12:57 UTC
Cordelia is really trying her best not to cry at just how awful she looks. She's just thankful that she's alone in her room, and she turns around, ready to head back to bed and hide there forever--

--and then she yelps, hand clutching her shirt and her heart beating like a drum. Because Angel's suddenly there, and how come she didn't notice him before?

"...are you trying to kill me on purpose?" she demands of the vampire.


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[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 07:45:26 UTC
Because really, this is what she needs right now. A non-conversation with a non-talking vampire.

Cordelia takes several deep breaths, trying to stop her heart from pounding so fast. "How long have you been there, anyway?"


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[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 08:19:11 UTC
"Okay, this is really getting creepy now," she says, crossing her arms in front of her. "What the hell is wrong with you, Angel? Did you, like, suddenly develop another curse that will kill you instantly if you at least try to participate in this conversation?"


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[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 08:38:15 UTC
That's it.

The answer's simple, really. Cordelia walks up to him and snatches the book from his hands. She slams it shut and takes note of the title. "Gee. This one's not even Kama Sutra. I would've forgiven you if it was."

...no, she wouldn't.


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[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 09:32:55 UTC
Okay. She can play this game, too.

"Gee, Angel, how was your day?" she says, in her normal voice.

Cordelia opens the book and pretends to read it. "Oh, I'm fine Cordy, just sitting here on my ass with my tongue cut off - which is why I can't speak. Either that or I've been glitched to the good old days where my idea of socialization is staring into the darkness and telling my dark, dreary past to a spider. What about yours?" ...for the record, she's doing a bad, bad imitation of you, Angel.

"Oh you know, just got sadistically tortured by some freaks. That was a hoot and a half."

She sighs, and then throws the book at him in anger. "Whatever. Hit me when you feel like opening your big fat mouth again." Cordelia makes a move towards her bed.


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[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 10:14:45 UTC
She blinks and steps back. The entire super speed thing? Not cool, Champ.

Oh, look - Angel's talking again. Great. The whole thing about him losing her didn't faze her as much as his next revelation did. "What?" she asks. "Drusilla's still alive? I mean-- she's not yet dusted?"


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[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 10:50:47 UTC
She kept hearing those words in that room, too. Don't kill her. The Angel Beast will want her back. It's sick, twisted, deluded - Drusilla in three words, obviously.

Cordelia looks away, and crosses her arms again. "No," she says, stiffly. "What happened to me was her fault. I don't care if you're her sire or master or maker or whatever - you weren't the one who was cackling with glee every freakin' time those Extras did something to me in that room. You're not the one licking my wounds when--"

She covers her mouth, unwilling to relive that experience all over again. "I don't blame you for any of that. But I'm not a saint, Angel. I'm not gonna stand here and absolve her, too, because you bet your ass I want her dead. Maybe not by your hand, but by god I want her dusted - and I'm not the only one."

She's speaking for Godric, of course. Not that the former oldbie vamp has told her this, but she can guess.


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[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 11:43:32 UTC
Not that simple her ass. She wants to ask him why dusting Drusilla now is so hard to do, when Angel dusted Darla before without hesitation. His own sire. Is that easier to do, then? Maybe she should seek out Spike. Maybe the other souled vampire can do what Angel here can't.

Or maybe Angel did it because of Buffy--

No, god, no, she doesn't need to over-think and over-complicate this right now. Cordelia clutches her head and sways a bit - as nausea attacks her full force.


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