023: [ visual ] / [ location: Hyperion Hotel ] Before I come undone

May 29, 2010 14:36

No, no, no -


Cordelia wakes up with a start, sitting upright on her bed with her hands clutching her blanket like a lifeline. For several moments she looks around her in alarm, wondering where the hell she is and where the others are, wondering if this is another one of those times she unfortunately opened her eyes only to be sliced and ( Read more... )

{ wesley wyndam-pryce, { harvestman, { winifred burkle, { lorne, { spike, buffy summers, { max guevara, { levi blakely, @ speares, { godric, { angel, { cordelia chase

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[ location: cordelia's room ] demonologist May 29 2010, 07:44:26 UTC
Wesley knocks softly and then pops his head into the room. He knows that Angel is likely lurking in the room, fretting over her recovery.

"I thought you might like some tea. It's earl grey, very soothing. I also took the liberty of making you some toast. Peanut butter and jam. I wasn't sure what you'd like."

He hovers by the door, not wanting to intrude if she would rather be alone, or only with Angel.


[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 07:51:48 UTC
Shooting the seemingly comatose Angel a dirty look, Cordelia walks over to the door and opens it.

"Only English people like tea, Wes," she says, frowning at him openly - as if unsure of why he's here in the first place. "I like coffee better, remember?"


[ location: cordelia's room ] demonologist May 29 2010, 08:02:00 UTC
"Yes, I do, actually. It's just that we had to use the coffee pot as part of the rescue." He pauses, adjusting the tray in his hands. Yes, he's acting like a mother hen but he's just over-protective sometimes. Angel is worse! "I suppose I could hatch some coffee. A cappucino?"


[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 08:07:00 UTC
"You had to do what with the coffee pot?" That's probably the first time she's heard of such a thing. What, did the rescuers get a hankering for coffee or something?

Cordelia shakes her head slightly, before reaching for the tray-- then she stops, and consciously tugs the sleeves lower, trying to cover as much damaged skin as she can. "No, no, it's okay. The tea's okay, I guess."


[ location: cordelia's room ] demonologist May 29 2010, 08:10:50 UTC
"I have plenty of credits left. If it's coffee you'd rather have, I'd fetch you some." Wesley insists stubbornly. "You really ought to rest. Lie down, perhaps. You've been through quite an ordeal."


[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 08:14:09 UTC
"Fine," she says, crossing her arms now. "Do whatever you want with your stupid credits. And for the record, I feel fine."

...oh, there it was, that universally accepted lie of hers, because clearly she isn't. Not by a long shot.


location: cordelia's room ] demonologist May 29 2010, 08:22:47 UTC

Wesley shakes his head at her and then just thrusts the tray at her, his expression turning a little obstinate.

"Right, I'm sure you are as fine as I was just after Faith tortured me. You don't have to pretend that you're strong and resilient. I already know that you are. But that doesn't mean that you're completely unscathed from what just happened, either."


[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 08:30:12 UTC
She scrambles to hold the tray, because really the last thing she needs is for some sticky, gooey mess to make her week even better.

"I am fine, damnit! What, do you want me to curl up on my bed and bawl my eyes out? Is this why you brought me this stupid tea and this stupid toast, because you thought I needed to be consoled? I'm fine and I don't know why you want me to be not fine when in fact I'm... I'm..."

And then she bites her lip and turns her face away, as if ashamed of her tears. Great, thanks Wes.


[ location: cordelia's room ] demonologist May 29 2010, 08:43:38 UTC
Wesley listens to Cordelia rant at him, venting her frustration at his apparently coddling attitude. Then her tears start to fall and he wordlessly takes the tray from her, sets it carefully to the side and then holds his arms out towards her.

He knows how it feels. He truly does. He also knows that platitudes and reassurances won't make it feel any better. The only thing he can offer is the certainty that she is not alone. That people care about her and will help her get through this.


[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 08:51:21 UTC
She steps closer to him and lets him hug her. This is something she never likes to do - cry in front of people. Even in front of Angel - and she's done it countless of times, both here in Taxon and back home in LA.

"I--I hate you," Cordelia says in between sobs, her hands now covering her face even as she rests her forehead on his shoulder. "Why do you have to be so... so sweet, damnit."


[ location: cordelia's room ] demonologist May 29 2010, 09:01:30 UTC
"I expect it's all that horrible sweet tea I drink." He quips softly, wrapping his arms protectively around her for a long moment. He knows Angel is there, watching, but he's certain the vamp wouldn't begrudge the gesture. Cordelia is truly one of Wesley's closest friends and it's as natural as breathing to want to offer her comfort and to wipe her tears away.

"I'll fetch you that coffee and then I'll leave you alone, I promise. As long as you promise me not to push yourself too hard. Let us pamper you a bit. It doesn't happen very often, you know."


[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 09:07:40 UTC
"It doesn't happen very often and I think that's exactly the problem," she replies with a hint of a smile, stepping away from him and wiping her tears with the back of her hand. Careful there, Wes, or she may milk this for all its worth. Not that she's going to, but... you'll never know.

"Okay. Get me that coffee. And probably some cookies. Oh, and the latest issue of Marie Claire won't hurt, too."


[ location: cordelia's room ] demonologist May 29 2010, 20:55:22 UTC
"Right you are, then."

He offers her a bracing sort of smile and heads off, fully intending to bring her a box of tissues and a hot water bottle to keep her feet warm as well.


[ location: cordelia's room ] glowingseer May 29 2010, 21:53:02 UTC
She watches him fondly as he leaves. Yep, very glad to have Wesley back in Taxon with them.


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