[Halo] This is not the tea break it was meant to be

May 16, 2009 17:32

Ten minutes. That was all he wanted, just ten minutes of quiet to drink his tea and perhaps read a chapter of a book without any fighting, yelling, complaining or weapon tossing going on around him. He had hoped his library might provide a safe haven, as few of the girls seemed to have any use of the space other then using it as temporary ( Read more... )

{ rupert giles, { faith lehane, { xander harris, willow rosenberg, buffy summers, { jack o'neill, { charlotte blaine

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Comments 81

[holo] likeajoan May 17 2009, 00:52:50 UTC
Buffy has been having an incredibly crappy time of it lately at Taxon. Between being turned into the Buffybot and recently having her ass kicked by Qetesh, her morale isn't exactly floating in the clouds with the high-ness.

So, when she hears Giles' voice on her tablet, then sees his little hologram figure, she initially thinks it must be some kind of trick. She can't be that lucky.



[holo] erudite_watcher May 17 2009, 01:10:14 UTC
"Buffy?" It's a relief when he hears the familiar voice, but as much as he looks around he can't see her. Perhaps it was a trick of the mind, hearing her voice because it is what he most wants to hear. Then he looks down and sees that the mobile thing he picked up is no longer blank. There's a tiny image of his Slayer on it.

"Buffy where are you? And where, exactly, am I?"


likeajoan May 17 2009, 01:21:28 UTC
Her eyes fill with tears momentarily, because it is really Giles, and it's stupid- stupid for her to be almost crying, but she can't help but feel about sixteen again. ...And then she pulls herself together.

"We're in a place called Taxon. It's an underground city, not sure of the where or how. Listen, Giles, I'll explain everything-- just give me a minute, and I'll come find you. We're in the same building. It's called the Sanctuary."

She's already getting up and heading for the door even as she speaks.


erudite_watcher May 17 2009, 01:47:39 UTC
Sanctuary. It's a word that should mean a place of rest. He hopes it's not used in an ironical sense. He'll find out soon enough; for now he waits for Buffy to arrive and wonders what she has to tell him.

There was something about the way she spoke; the emotion made her voice think, something he was used to, but there was something else too. He wonders how long she has been here, and what has happened to her. Guilt floods him briefly, even if it is unwarranted. He's left her alone too often in the past few years.

When she finds him, though, all he can do is smile in relief. "Buffy."


[visual] aesthetic_mojo May 17 2009, 01:18:02 UTC
Charlotte wasn't making a habit of greeting new comers. Better to let them get settled because she had absolutely nothing to offer them anyway. When the newest holo started up, though, she couldn't resist. The accent drew her in.

"Well, nothing will eat you right off, so that's something."


[visual] erudite_watcher May 17 2009, 01:28:48 UTC
There was a woman talking to him from the screen of the mobile thing, and while her claim that nothing would eat him was reassuring he had no idea if she was to be trusted or not.

"At least not until the sun goes down, right?"


[visual] aesthetic_mojo May 17 2009, 02:22:18 UTC
"Not even then, so far as I can tell. I haven't done a lot of night walking, though. Kittens to care for and a room mate that gets touchy if I wander too much." She shook her head. "Really, the most deadly thing around here seems to be ennui."


erudite_watcher May 17 2009, 19:24:00 UTC
"After the year I've had I could do with a bit of ennui."


[visual] islegendary May 17 2009, 18:54:26 UTC
In response to the 'technology will damn us all' Jack pipes up to the new arrival, "Couldn't agree with you more! The stuff completely overrated."

Incidentally, Jack looks pretty happy for a guy who has a bandaged up shoulder and a arm in a sling. He waves his free hand, "So, get the welcome speech yet?"


Re: [visual] erudite_watcher May 17 2009, 19:23:05 UTC
Giles does not comment on the irony of someone agreeing with him on technology via a piece of technology. He does not the wounded arm but is too polite to ask anything about it.

"I don't have the first idea where I am, let alone if I'm welcome here."


Re: [visual] islegendary May 17 2009, 20:53:49 UTC
Jack does love himself some irony.

"Well, frankly I would like to know the answers to those questions myself," he gives an aborted shrug, remember your shoulder Jack! "Ah... Uh, Yeah. Place is called Tax-son something or other. Says so on the nifty tablet thingie."

"And hey, as long as you don't start talking crazy and try to kill me, I'm fine with ya. Name's Jack O'Neill by the way."


erudite_watcher May 18 2009, 00:20:48 UTC
"So long as you don't have the insatiable urge to kill people and drink their blood we should be fine, then. I don't 'talk crazy' nor do I kill humans." Hardly ever, at least, but there were circumstances.

"Taxon," he repeats. At least the place has a name, that should make research easier.


[Visual] inked_wiccan May 17 2009, 20:19:24 UTC
A sharp gasp, followed soon after by a smaller, pained one, as Willow sat up from the bed she was laying in. Seeing a tiny Giles on the tablet would cause anyone with a broken rib to freak out like that, causing more pain and mental cursing like that.

"G-Giles! Oh my goodness...."


erudite_watcher May 17 2009, 21:36:17 UTC
Giles couldn't help but smile at the familiar face and oft-heard note of surprise in her voice. At least something in this place was right.

"Willow, is there a reason you're appearing on this - this thing I found here?"


inked_wiccan May 17 2009, 21:46:30 UTC
"These PDA-type things. They're called 'tablets'. You can record stuff on them and show everyone or a select few. There's different settings, too. The holograms, like how you're doing. More of a video camera thing, how I'm doing. And you can record voice and all sorts of other stuff. These are pretty nifty," Willow began babblings, excited to see Giles, wanting to get out of bed and find him and give him a huge hug.

"And another way of answering your question is...that I'm here, too."


erudite_watcher May 18 2009, 00:35:08 UTC
"As I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear I understand only about a third of what you said. I'm certain you can do all those things, but I..." He squinted a little at the image of Willow. "Are you in bed?"


[holo] demonmagnetism May 17 2009, 20:56:57 UTC
Xander has spent most of his past couple of days carrying Buffy and Willow across Taxon with varying degrees of injury- it's been a fairly trying time. He'd just stepped out of Willow's room to get himself something chocolately and comforting from a replicator hatch when Giles' holo-transmission pops up, and he quickly abandons the chocolate in favor of the tablet.

"Merciful Mickey Mouse, Giles, is that you?"


Re: [holo] erudite_watcher May 17 2009, 21:38:36 UTC
"No, I'm a figment of your fevered mind," Giles answered dryly. He looked carefully at the young man's image and noted some changes. "Or perhaps I'm the ghost of days past."


demonmagnetism May 17 2009, 22:42:52 UTC
"No no, I think I've had this one before..." Xander gestures speculatively at the tablet image of Giles, before looking over both shoulders for a non-existent person. "The guy with the cheese should show up any minute."

After a second of no cheese guy appearing, he breaks out into a grin. "Giles! You're here! Thank god! Or Buddha. Have you spoken to Buff or Will yet? Do I need to give you the incredibly sketchy lowdown?"


erudite_watcher May 18 2009, 01:53:36 UTC
"Yes, because what we really need right now is the original Slayer trying to kill us again." There's a little eyerolling, because it's Xander after all.

"If you'd give me the 'low down' I would appreciate it."


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