[Halo] This is not the tea break it was meant to be

May 16, 2009 17:32

Ten minutes. That was all he wanted, just ten minutes of quiet to drink his tea and perhaps read a chapter of a book without any fighting, yelling, complaining or weapon tossing going on around him. He had hoped his library might provide a safe haven, as few of the girls seemed to have any use of the space other then using it as temporary sleeping quarters. He opened the door, prepared to step carefully around sleeping bags and suitcases, only to find they were gone. Not just the girls' paraphernalia, but the entire library had disappeared.

"Oh dear, this can't be good." Giles looked around the new space, cringing at the idea that his comforting leather bound books and overstuffed sofa had been replaces by technology. The walls were too white, the round device on the ceiling looked like something for science fiction - or the Initiative. Looking around for someplace to put down his tea cup he found another piece of technology, this one small enough to fit in his hand. it looked something like the mobiles some of the new Slayers had, but if there was a way to call anyone from it he was clueless as to how.

"Technology will damn us all," he muttered pessimistically. The sleeves of his sweater covered his new bracelet, or his cursing of technology might have been a little louder.

A quick scan of the room revealed nothing else of any use, so Giles trod carefully down the stairs and out the single unmarked door. The door which disappeared behind him once it was closed. The new place in which he found himself was less austere but no more familiar then the first room. It was no place had had ever been before, certainly no place in his currently overcrowded Devon home.

"No need to panic." He took a deep breath. "Certainly I can find a library somewhere here and figure out what's going on."

{ rupert giles, { faith lehane, { xander harris, willow rosenberg, buffy summers, { jack o'neill, { charlotte blaine

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