Voice: Emerging from her hermitage...

Jan 17, 2010 22:39

[Seated gracefully, her hands in her lap, Inara addresses her tablet as though she were talking to a client on the Cortex. Her voice is modulated, her smile absolutely charming. She's dressed in full Companion finery for this, taking a real step in coming out of her hibernation... and if there's one thing she knows people truly enjoy and form social bonds through, it's a party. So, here goes, Taxon.]

I think this is transmitting openly, so let me start first by saying hello, Taxon. My name is Inara Serra and I'm a resident of the currently-grounded Firefly-class ship Serenity.

The culture in which I grew up was Anglo-Sino, that is partly rooted in English-speaking cultures formerly from the United States of America, and partly Chinese. The planet Sihnon which I called home for most of my life was largely culturally Chinese.

In less than a month, according to the calendars we have here, it will be Chinese New Year. I thought I would endeavor to gauge interest in celebrating this holiday.

{ uther doul, { inara serra, illyria

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