001 ∞ we must pack up every piece of the life we used to love [holo]

Jan 17, 2010 20:54

The first thing Wanda thinks upon arrival is I must be dreaming.

The second thing she thinks is oh, God, if I'm thinking that, I am almost certainly awake. Lucid dreams have never been part of her sleeping experience, and furthermore a cursory examination of herself reveals the same long red dress and precise lines one would expect from consciousness. A dream would lend itself to more ambiguity, even if her surroundings are are a far cry from what she's used to. She is briefly breathlessly still, the kind of tension-riddled anxiety that lasts milliseconds but seems to possess her for significantly longer, and once she ascertains that she seems to be safe for the time being, she gingerly touches the bracelet encircling her wrist. She tugs at it, and determines immediately that a) this is a terrible idea and b) it is not going to come off, and she wonders, not without some distress, what could have done that so seamlessly--it doesn't even hurt, so maybe she's been here a while. Her purse is clutched under one arm, the strap cut (she hasn't had time to get it fixed), and she's quietly very glad she's got that much at hand, even if there's nothing in it that will really protect her.

When she uncovers the tablet, she makes a decision, taking a deep breath: she can stay in here and quietly wonder, or she can try to see who is out there. Wanda is aware that this place could be dangerous, but she's always done well with a gamble, so she'll take the risk. Her voice is heavily accented when she speaks in English, something Eastern European, but difficult to identify unless one is acquainted with Transia and the Rom in particular.

"Hello? I have the feeling I'm not the first to arrive so..." She glances up at the ceiling of the arrival chamber, tone of voice going a little wry, as she lets her hunch guide her. At least she's still got her sense of humor, even if it's presently very, very faint, tinged with wariness. "...unceremoniously, but I sincerely hope someone else is out there, listening to this, and willing to respond. My name is Wanda Maximoff, and I would really like to know what's going on."

{ petrana, illyria, { wanda maximoff

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