〣 HOLO 〣 stand like a rock, on top of the mountain

Dec 14, 2009 16:31

Celeste murmured across the link to her sisters, peering down past the ledge in the middle of the room. Telepathy was so much easier than talking, and faster too. Not to mention the round metal walls echoed like crazy with more conventional conversation. Very disquieting, and quiet was so much nicer.

retorted Phoebe from where she was tweaking the settings at the desk.

Mindee added. It might have been a try at teasing, joking. If they could have, they probably would have giggled at it. They would have before, and that thought flitting through their minds (impossible to tell which one had thought it first) might have caused regret. But it was rather hard to feel regret about no longer feeling anything. It was just another kind of echo. The only reaction any of them really gave was a small shrug from Phoebe's end. She sent a little buzz at the other two, and they drifted over to see what was so noteworthy.

When they were all standing together, the world suddenly shifted and they were in an entirely different metal room. All three's eyes quickly turned white as they mentally reached out, probing to find who was doing this.

"Teleportation," they stated in perfect unison, apparently unsurprised by the fact they were no longer where they were. Celeste randomly noted a lack of echo in this place. Hm. Mindee gave her a slight nudge to get back on track. "Neat trick. But-"

"It-" Celeste started off, "won't," then Mindee, "work," finished Phoebe, each word said as smoothly as if they were just one girl instead of three.

"We know you're out there," they said, quickly reverting back to the tandem speaking. The Cuckoos hardly needed Cerebra enhancing their powers to pinpoint several dozen minds. "No use hiding from us."

glitch, { stepford cuckoos, { the master, { godric