x05 [visual] The wolf at the door -

Dec 14, 2009 17:22

"Useless. Each and every one of them."

The Master is pacing in a small, bland room. Suit jacket thrown over a chair near to the tablet, shirtsleeves ruffled, teeth clenched - he hasn’t exactly gotten out much, by the looks of it. He doesn’t give the tablet even a glance as he nudges it around to display a limp, male figure, barely keeping upright in a chair, wires leaving from his head, arms, and chest, leading somewhere off screen.

The Master tiptoes over to the figure and supports one of the pale hands to wave it towards the screen. Despite his frustrations, he certainly looks amused with himself.

"Although this one here made quite some progress, before his dear old heart could not take the strain."

He lets the hand fall free and casts the unmoving figure a pitiful look. Then, after he’s had his ‘fun’, he saunters up to the tablet, hands settling on each side of it, and he leans very close to the camera. He scowls.

"Not a single one of you are really worth anything, are you? You’re all subdued, pathetic. I bet even some of you are happy here in Taxon! All of you humans, likely. Bet you wouldn’t even bite the hand that feeds you if the time ever came."

He turns only his head away to laugh, then slowly cranes it back. His irritation has returned in full.

"Why not consider your situation again, hm?" He clicks his tongue and his voice drops lower. "Step out of your boxes. Prove that you have any merit at all. I dare you." He shakes his head, eyes narrowing. He's staring at something beyond the tablet. After a moment, he adds, "No, it's unlikely. There can only be one, you idiot."

No one ever suggested that the Master was sane.

"Well then. Their blood is on your hands. How about that?" he grins and laughs again. "Oooh I can't wait to see your expression..."

{ stepford cuckoos, { the master, illyria, { river tam, buffy summers, { mohinder suresh, { brigitta

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