002: LOCATION: THE BRONZE [you'll never change what's been and gone]

Sep 29, 2009 00:36

It seemed that the gossip post had thrown everyone for a loop. Uhura hadn't been mentioned directly, but while talking to Kirk about it, Gaila had somehow come up in the conversation. Which meant she'd ended up thinking about her, really thinking about her, for the first time in weeks.

She found herself remembering the day they'd been called to answer the distress call from Vulcan, before they'd known it was an attack. Gaila's name had been called first, and she'd been assigned to the Enterprise - which only made sense, she was one of the best computer engineering cadet the Academy had to offer. When she'd heard she herself had been assigned to the Farragut, she'd been furious and intent on fixing it, getting what she knew she deserved.

Had she done that at the expense of a friend's life?

She'd heard there'd been a mix-up with the ship Gaila had been assigned to - she'd somehow ended up on a different ship than the Enterprise. She'd purposely hadn't looked up where she'd been reassigned, because she didn't want to face up to the fact that her selfishness might have gotten someone she cared about killed.

She hadn't spoken to anyone about this, not even Spock. She hadn't really even thought about it, and there had been enough distractions to keep her mind occupied.

Here...here there wasn't really anything to keep her from thinking about it.

Drowning her sorrows in a bar seemed a bit cliche to her, but it somehow felt more productive for her to be out than it did to stay locked up in her room.

But she was still doing the same thing she would have been there. The Bronze just had the bonus addition of alcohol.

{ xander harris, { nyota uhura

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