003: ACCIDENTAL VISUAL//LOCATION: GYM [scribbled out the truth with their lies]

Sep 28, 2009 23:11

Max knew it was probably ridiculous to be this pissed off about something mentioned in a gossip column that wasn't even true, but she'd had enough accusations about her fidelity lately. So after attempting to smooth things over with Kirk and Buffy via the tablets (though the smoothing over didn't seem to be as necessary as she'd thought it would be), she was looking for something to take her aggravation out on.

There was always her bike, but she was more in the mood to fight something than she was to drive around aimlessly. She checked out the tablet's map and found a gym that wasn't too far away from the Sanctuary, and working out seemed like the perfect way to blow off some steam. After a quick trip to one of the hatches to get herself some workout gear, she jumped on her bike and headed to it. And now she was standing in front of a punching bag, pummeling it with her fists and feet.

Truth be told, it wasn't just Gossip Girl's blast that had her pissed - it had just been what set her off. Once she'd gotten over the initial irritation, she found herself thinking about something she hadn't let herself since arriving - the situation with Logan. What he'd accused her of, what she'd admitted to - and lied about - to keep him away.

It hurt. It hurt that he'd thought she could do that to him. It hurt that he'd accepted her answer without challenging it, without demanding an explanation he'd have been able to see right through. He'd just let her walk out the door.

Didn't he know her better than that? Had the trust they'd built up over the past two years meant nothing?

After a long while of relentlessly pounding the bag, she stopped, turning to the wall and bracing her hands against it, trying to catch her breath. On one hand, it was a relief to figure out what was really bothering her. On the other, it sucked that she couldn't do anything about it. And if she really wanted him to stay safe, she couldn't even if she found a way to get back home.

Whatever. She was used to dealing with things on her own.

{ peter petrelli, { simon tam, { max guevara

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