One-shot ~ Grammar

Dec 09, 2016 00:38

Hi, long time no see, I'm sorry I have very very very very little time to post lately and RL is tough and messy :(
I hope you can enjoy in the meantime this (very) little drabble I wrote a long ago and translated only recently, about two months ago (and yeah, I haven't had time to post it ever since...)


Title: Grammar
Author: lalois
Fandom: Kanjani8
Pairings: RyOhkura
Rating: PG
Length: one-shot (drabble)
Words: 203
Genre: romance, fluff, comedy
Disclaimer: sadly I don’t own anything about Kanjani8, just my worship for my OTP.
Prompt: seeking for cuteness XD?
Summary: we do all know Ryo has problem with grammar...
Written on: 2012 maybe? translated from Italian (F-locked) on 15th october 2016
Also available on Ao3




"Should I kissed you..."

"Should I kiss you..."

"Stop emulating the parrot, Ohkura!"

"I wasn't going for emulation! It's the grammar, Ryochan!"

"How the heck should the grammar be involved right now?!"

"Well, your grammar does notably suck."
Ryo glared at him, but Ohkura did not care.

"The > Should I kiss you < is the correct hypothetical conditional tens-"


"Not anymore," Ryo grinned.

Ohkura looked aghast.

"it's not an hypothetical kiss anymore," Ryo explained, an innocent frown marking his forehead. But Ohkura was still aghast.

"That was my first kiss."


"And you STOLE it from me!"

"What the fuck are you saying?!"

"That was my first time, with a guy."
Ryo merely shrugged.

"You're whining for a stupid kiss, c'mon..."

"It was not a stupid kiss!"

"Yeah, it was. I meant it to be."

"Well, sorry if I couldn't even tell!"

Ryo chuckled.
"You're nonsense, you stupid drummer."

Ohkura cluck impatiently his tongue.
"Then give me another one."

"Without grammar?"

"Without grammar."

"Close your eyes, then."
Ohkura carefully obeyed.


"No tongue, though," the drummer said afterwards, once he had opened his lids again.

Ryo smiled at him.
"Wanna have some?"

"Can I?"

"Why do you even ask, moron..."




I hope you liked it!

pairing: torn, genre: comedy, genre: fluff, rating: pg, length: one-shot

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