TORNtainment - Sayonara wa Itsumo (Chapter One)

Dec 30, 2016 00:37

Hello to you all. I’m back with a new chaptered story mostly set during the Takoyaki Eightertainment Tour… er, yes!
I could say it was born from random facts actually happened in 2016 and a few memories, it’s somehow an unusual story for me and maybe not even a “story” to start with. Forgive my poorness xD
I know there’s another one I rarely update (about Kyanjani8, despite being terribly fond of, I swear), but I’d like this story to follow a different and hopefully easier path: meaning, its chapters are short and a few are already ready-made ;)


Title: TORNtainment
Author: lalois
Fandom: Kanjani8
Pairings: RyOhkura, mention of Ohkura x Yoshitaka Yuriko, Ryo x Aragaki Yui
Rating: PG-15
Length: chaptered
Words: 975
Genre: romance, angst, slice-of-life
Disclaimer: sadly I don’t own anything about Kanjani8, just my worship for my OTP.
Prompt: based on real facts happened on 2016 mainly, old and new pieces of Eito summed up together to get a glimpse of the actual relationship/distance (or lack of) between Ryo and Ohkura. Mainly set during the Takoyaki EighterTainment tour.
Summary: is TORN one dead concept? Ryo is feeling like he’d like to be more around Ohkura, but the latter is involved with someone else and isn’t interested at all. Then, their annual live tour opens up: can things change?
Written on: 09th December 2016
Also available on Ao3


The promise had been made quite long time ago, after a particularly sober yet disruptive sex night spent together.

"Never be apart," Ryo had told his lover in a hoarse whisper against his skin. "We're TORN, but we'll never be apart. Never."

The drummer had held Ryo's frail naked figure tighter to him, kissing sloppily the sweaty temple and the guitarist's damp hair.

"Never," Ohkura had repeated slowly, almost to himself, the intimate preciousness of Ryo's promise lulling him as a whole.

As far as he did know, Ryo did never promise anything to anyone.

He was a man of his word indeed, but also a guy who preferred never to promise, if he eventually had to choose.

But fate and time passing could be faithful traitors.
The more Ohkura grew into a fine, attractive young man, the more he got his spotlight, the more he was keen on taking a liking to fancy girls. Even, seriously.

Not that they had not the right to.
Not that they had ever mentioned being exclusive.

So when Ryo had kept carrying on his relationship with Gakki-chan longer than usual and Ohkura had taken a liking in being tangled up in Serina's bed more than he had expected, none of them had in mind what was left of their old promise.

Until the day Ryo had found himself continuously doing fan service stuff almost absentmindedly towards his favourite drummer, for the mere purpose of gaining back his attention to the splendor it once was.

Because Ohkura had never missed to catch his gaze whenever he looked up from his drums on the stage and Ryo turned to give his back to their audience, just for him.
Ohkura had never failed to look naughty, every time Ryo had glanced up at him especially.
Ohkura had always loved to be looked at by Ryo, and they both knew how special that bond was for the two of them. There was no other duo among Kanjani8 which could be called TORN, after all.

But habits changed, and Ohkura didn’t exchange looks with him anymore.

The drummer's relationship with the famous actress Yoshitaka Yuriko had been openly found out by the tabloids after the Bali escapade, and apart from the obvious and severe scolding the drummer got at the Jimusho, there had been almost no visible consequences for the youngest member of Kanjani8.

Ryo felt strangely different, though.
Since when, he had asked himself.

Maybe it had been when Ohkura had been hospitalized on the last day of their previous Genki tour, when he had felt such dread and despair in hearing the news, that he almost couldn't actually believe what was going on with him in the first place.

Or maybe when the drummer had had his very same thoughts about the “Steal your Love” tune, so that they had ended up sharing the song and even the bed one night, after quite long from their last time.
It had happened some time before the Recital venue in Nagoya. During the rehearsals, Ohkura had complained about a little sty, and Ryo had made widely fun of that, in a way he hadn’t been used in doing for a long time.

“I’ll get vengeance for this, Ryochan. I swear I will,” the younger had mused, before a whole set of glasses of good beer.
“Anytime,” Ryo had winked.

That night, he had proved to be the charming guy he was recently known for. He had casually but repeatedly brushed Ryo’s knuckle with his own on their way back to the hotel, tickled his long fingers against the guitarist’s, and said no other word when Ryo had silently grabbed his hand firmly and led the two of them to his own room.

And then, Ryo got a sty, too, and fans in Nagoya had started wondering why he had kept his sunglasses for so long, and Ohkura had, too.
There had been cute, little fan service in there, at least to their fans’ eyes.
Could it really be called fan service?

Ryo wondered whether his feelings could be seen crystal clear through the picture Ohkura had taken of him, during their Ikemen Camera Mesen corner. He hoped not, but he knew he was poorly objective, and Shota’s knowing wink did also confirm his vague impression.

He and Ohkura had later enjoyed that filming together in Nakanoshima in Osaka for a Janiben corner. That had also brought back memories.
Ryo had expected the drummer to stay with him in Osaka that night also, but that had not happened. And he felt utterly confused, because every night, before his eyes, he could see Ohkura’s irregular face through every date he had wasted his nights on lately.

Steal your Love.

To which purpose, Ryo wondered now, he didn't know, because Ohkura didn’t always seem to be interested in flirting with him the way he was, but didn’t even tell him to give it a rest.

“I’m sorry that happened,” Ohkura finally confessed to him one day, while he was sipping his fourth hot coffee of the day.

“That… what?”

Ohkura giggled.

"C’mon, Ryochan, you know what..."

Ohkura seemed sort of embarrassed, and Ryo couldn't help but think the drummer looked genuinely handsome, more genuine than ever, like that.

"I guess I felt a bit lonely, but it wasn't fair of me ending up… well, in bed with you. I didn't mean... I don't want you to misunderstand. I didn’t have to. We've not into that kind of relationship anymore."

"Right," Ryo found himself replying.
Right what?

Ohkura smiled.

"I truly care for her, you know?"

“Right,” Ryo stupidly repeated.

Right, he thought as the drummer stood up and waved him bye, carrying a sweet smile. Why had he never realized it before?

It was so obvious.

Ohkura was in love. Just... not with him anymore.


Notes: If you probably felt some difference with what I do usually write.... well, I won't say no.
I won’t hide I’m struggling to write lately, not because I don’t want to but quite the contrary: I’d love to, but can’t due to various constraints. I threw away a lot of lifeless prompts, then came up with this, which was honestly painful to write. But I liked it, and really wanted to share with you all.
I hope you can enjoy it as well, let me know what you think about it ^_^


Chapter Two: Kanashii Koi

pairing: torn, rating: pg15, genre: introspection, length: chaptered

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