Argh. My arm, that was supposedly getting better with antihistamines and antibiotics, is swelling up again. Not massively; it's just a little bemusing and annoying that after a couple of days of being fine, the bites have randomly become itchy and red again. *sigh*
Anyway. I don't remember if I ever mentioned the why-for of no postcards from Spain: basically, there were none until the last two days, and then I was lazy and busy. (It's possible to be both at the same time, totally.) But, here be the promised photos:
This was the weather on the first day we were there. That is hail, people. Yes. But later that day it was nice enough for this:
We had muchos fun shopping for food:
Note: 'cookies con chips de chocolate.' So authentically Spanish, non? I was also very amused by the Bimbo bread we found, but alas, it was too expensive to bother buying.
La playa at night. We wandered along and went into a couple of bars, and met some Irish guys who were all 'dude! you are the only other English-speaking people we've seen!' (ok, they maybe didn't say 'dude'), and thought that Caroline was a farmer. (We were joking. Not all Herefordians are farmers, honest.)
Squeed! This made me laugh so hard. More so because at first, I actually thought 'squeed' must be a kind of vegetable I'd never heard of. I even asked Caroline what it was. And then I realised, and oh, so much laughing. Mainly at myself. *g*
We only made it to the beach once, due to slightly dodgy weather, wasted time waiting for taxis with mucho food shopping, and a half hour walk from villa to beach. But it was nice when we did.
Pretty tree, just because. It's so green. Hee.
Algol! Algol Algol Algol! I don't know what it means in Spanish, but in English it's a computer programming language. (In fact, I think it's Algol that Zoe uses in The Invasion to blow up a computer with her MIND.)
This is not sunset, no. This is dawn. The sun rises crazily late in Spain, apparently; this was at about 8am, and still the sun was only just rising.
The Spanish Square, Seville.
Also Seville.
Real Seville oranges!
The view from the top of the cathedral tower. *g*
And some artyness with a glass of rioja and a candle, on our last night.
So yes, Spain was mucho fun. I go back to Durham on Saturday, so address again shall be The Castle, Durham, etc. Um. That's about it, really. Food-time, methinks.