When I was in about year 8 or 9, I saw the doctor an awful lot because I had a pretty much permanently blocked up nose. (Also lots of earache, but that's another matter.) After many, many attempts at treatment (including some amusing drops that I had to hang upside-down off the edge of a bed for five minutes to take), and even surgery (I was going to have my adenoids removed, but while poking around in my nose they decided they weren't all that big, so they didn't bother), the problem gradually went away, leaving me to wonder if really it was that bad, if perhaps I wasn't just making rather a fuss?
I bloody wasn't. For the past week, I have been irritatingly blocked up for no apparent reason. I haven't got a cold; I'm still taking the hayfever stuff I usually take (which is actually for perenial rhinitis, which is what the above was diagnosed as); but I cannot breathe properly, and it is such a pain. It's ... argh. It sounds like such a little thing, but I can't breathe properly, I can't breathe, and it's so tiring. It makes walking upstairs such an effort; I'm out of breath by the time I get anywhere (which makes me feel so, so pathetic), and ARGH.
Anyway. Hopefully it is going to go away again any day now.
(In other medically-related news: yesterday I was very odd. I was driving home from the Marie Curie thing - more on that in a moment - and I was fine, and then we stopped at a service station for food, and suddenly my eyes didn't feel connected, and my headache was worse, and I had a hot chocolate and suddenly became very red and hot and it was bizarre. Then I got home and went to bed at half eight in the evening, and am subsequently more awake than I have been for days. It's great.)
So. The Marie Curie thing. I was having a bit of a panic on Friday night, because I needed a minimum of £100 sponsership to take part, and had at that point only raised £20. Eek. But then I went to choir, and some friends texted with promises, and somehow by Saturday morning I had over £150 on my forms. (Between us, Mum and I have so far raised about £270. And some people are sponsering retrospectively, so we're sending a letter to MCCC with whatever we raise between now and about Wednesday.)
Obviously I am quite yayful about raising a decent amount for MCCC, and also, also, I DROVE A FIRE ENGINE. Yes. Me. I drove a fire engine. Unfortunately it was so popular that by the time I got to the front of the queue, they'd drastically shortened the circuit to fit in as many people as possible before we had to leave the airfield at 5pm, but still. I drove a fire engine. Yayz0rz!
I also drove a Mini Cooper, a
Didicar (shh, they are not just for kids), a lorry, a tractor with wheels much bigger than me, a coach (at speeds of 70mph!), a rubbish truck (which I reversed, by myself, between some cones), and reversed a flat bed artic. Exciting stuff.