Apr 20, 2007 22:58
1. I am very, very bored. And overwhelmed. I have so much still to do and I've just confidently told Mum that I will have finished my lab report and packed by the time I go to bed, and thus yes, let's go for a walk tomorrow. I forsee me getting not much sleep.
2. Despite the above, I have found a bit of this lab report which interests me. It's called 'regurgitating Chemistry AS', and involves more of the gay atoms that amuse me so. [...I actually got bored enough to think about this in detail. It kind of works! Who's to say the sodium atoms I'm working with aren't gay? They could bond. Um. More likely they're bi; they'll quite happily settle down with atoms from other groups. ...generally they're probably a bit het. Anyway. The noble gases are totally celibate and transition metals are probably transvestites, what with the way they change their valency all the time.)
3. I have gone insane. I hope that's clear by the fact that I am putting serious thought into the sex lives of atoms.
4. I missed HIGNFY, and tomorrow we are probably going out for a meal (since Tesco aren't delivering our food until Sunday) and then I'll probably end up in the Undie, and oh. HIGNFY extended version had better be watchable in the JCR, or I will look pathetically at people.
5. There was a reason for the numbers, and another thing I was going to mention, but I've totally forgotten them both. Ah well. More work, and when I've finished, I have a fic to read, and packing.
lab report,