Doctor Who is the best thing in live. Really.

Apr 18, 2007 22:40

Ok. So, um, I looked at work; I wrote some notes on Fourier series and the diffusion equation. I don't understand them at all, so I kind of gave that up. (They're an irritating sort of thing in that I can't summarise them nicely into revision notes; I'm not sure if this is because I fail at understanding them or because it's impossible because they're so verbose and irritating.)

Then I stared at my lab report. I wrote a few sentences. I added a reference. I stared a bit more.

Then I updated my Amazon wishlist. SO MUCH MORE CONSTRUCTIVE, I hope you'll agree.

Mainly I did this because I've been wanting to watch Inferno (third Doctor, AU!UNIT + Liz, sounds A Bit Good) just about forever and I keep forgetting to write this down, so I keep forgetting to look out for it on the cheap. I'm never going to find it on the cheap, probably, so I've resorted to hoping that some lovely family member will get it for my birthday. How shallow am I, oh dear.

Anyway. I also thought I'd have a look at the rest of the Who DVDs that are out now. Most of them put me in a quandary, because the BBC seem determined to release mostly titles which I have bought recently on VHS via eBay or cheap market stalls. So, I have them already ... but DVDs are so much better. And have extra bits ... but I have them already. It seems like a total waste of money and, like, planetary resources (see, sometimes I do get environmental when I realise how much plastic I have lying around in the form of CDs, CD cases and other such media items, and none of it will be recycled) to buy them again. But oh so tempting, especially when it turns out that Robot is being released next month (Tom Baker's first, and very very good and amusing and I love it).

But before Robot, there are admittedly loads of good titles on DVD that I haven't got; like the aforementioned Inferno; Hand of Fear - all I really know about this is that it's SJS's last, but apparently the goodbye is really sweet? and it sounds decent. But if anyone can actually tell me if it is any good or not, that would be good - and about a hundred others.

Um. Amazon mocks me with its special offers and box sets, too. They have a Jon Pertwee box set, which looks great, except that, again, I have half the ones in it on VHS. (Namely, The Green Death, Carnival of Monsters [which, in any case, I'm not mad keen on], um, others? Inferno is in there too. Hmm.) There is also a Daleks box set, which has Dalek Invasion of Earth - shockingly, I have not seen this, and I feel I really should - Genesis (fabby, but again, got it on VHS), Revelation (absolute shite and completely incomprehensible), Resurrection, which wins for apparently having ruthless!Five but loses for Tegan in a strop (possibly this is cancelled out by her leaving?), is apparently a bloodbath, and I can't quite work out whether it sounds great or a bit rubbish. Also Remembrance, about which I have no clue. This box set is great just for the range of Doctors, actually. But it's also about £50, or something stupid. Woe.

I'd like to see them release The Daemons, you know. That one's good. It has UNIT, it has Morris dancing, it has 'witchcraft' and Bessie being used in a vaguely useful way, and Jo being surprisingly not too annoying, and frozen!Doctor, and Delgado!Master, and Bok (who absolutely terrified me when I was tiny), and oh, it's generally great. It also has the greatest lines ever from the Brigadier; first there is"I'm not going to sit here like a spare lemon waiting for the squeezer."
and then"I see, Captain Yates. So the Doctor was frozen stiff at the barrow, then revived by a freak heatwave. Benton was beaten up by invisible forces, and the local white witch claims she's seen the devil. Apart from that, it's been a quiet night?"
These quote make me SO HAPPY.

Right. Back to pretending I am a constructive and able person who can totally do a degree, rather than someone they erroneously let in in a state of confusion and then felt too embarrassed to get rid of. Because this is clearly the case. I FAIL. Um. Anyway. Work.

doctor who

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