Politics, and taxes, and other such things.

Apr 17, 2007 22:20

Inheritance tax. What is the point of it? Why does it exist? Because at the moment, it seems a completely gratuitous thing for the government to get their hands on more money.

I mean, think about it. You work hard, earn money, pay tax on what you earn. You pay tax on your savings over a certain amount (or if you're earning over a certain amount? not having ever had enough money to be taxed, I wouldn't know), if you're stinking rich, you pay even more tax. (Which, probably, is a bit fair. Um. I say this clearly from the point of view of someone who comes from a family of nowhere near that limit. I suppose, given that rich people probably don't use any more public services than poor people*, it might be a bit unfair. But I'm not really bothered, because when you're earning that much you may as well pay a bit more tax.)

So yes. Your poor mother (or father, or whatever relative you want to think of) works hard and earns money, and pays tax on that money. Then they retire, settle down with a pension for a few years - and, while we're at it, state pensions are pretty measly. Also I had a letter last year telling me I should think about my pension, and I'm not quite sure what I did with it, but mainly I think they're crazy because I don't have a job and am nowhere near retirement. Yes, it is too early to think about that particular part of my future.

So. I keep losing the point. Eventually, someone close to you dies, and leaves you money. Money which they have earnt somehow, and paid tax on. And then what? Well. You pay tax on it AGAIN. Not only do you deal with someone lovely having just died, you have to deal with the b*racracy (someone please tell me how to spell that?) of the government pinching half of it. OH YAY.

Also, there is an election shockingly soon and it is the first election ever that I can vote in. This is sadly exciting. Also quite nerve-wracking because, omg, someone gave me a vote. I have to Use It Responsibly. This, I think, would involve having a clue about politics. I fail at understanding politics. Um. Seriously, politics just confuses me. Possibly because it largely involves people, and everyone thinks they're right, and everyone tells you what they think you want to hear, and ohgoodness how am I supposed to know if you're going to keep your promises or not?! Ohgoodness. I realise this is quite, quite pathetic of me, but I've just never quite got my head round politics, not in a real world sense. I think it should be taught in schools. I seem to remember we did have citizenship lessons, but sadly all I remember them saying was 'you should totally vote, yeah! otherwise nutters will get in by being the majority of a tiny turn out'. Which is a good point, yes; frankly I can't see why so few people (apparently) do vote, because to me, voting is just something you do. Otherwise it serves you right if the country falls apart, because you didn't care enough to do anything about it.

The fact remains, I don't understand politics, and this is going to present certain problems in voting. I know who I would have voted for in the 2005 national elections if I'd been old enough, but that was only because a certain party was the only one whose party political broadcasts didn't involve completely slagging off some other party. I think that's about the most pathetic excuse for a party political broadcast ever; the best way to get me to vote for you is not, in fact, to say 'oh, look what a mess they're making of it, ha ha.'

Um. I may go and look at things on my local council's website. That sounds like a plan. I should point out I feel quite shockingly silly, young and naive for finding politics so incomprehensible, but oh, think how you might feel if asked to integrate over 3 dimensions, yes? (Cheating if you're doing a maths degree. Totally.) Admittedly that is not quite so important to society as a whole, but still. I just ... I try to understand it, and it doesn't seem possible. Woe.

ETA: Ok, I fail even at finding the website. First I tried this, then trying .org linked me to Missouri Housing Development Commission. ARGH. Oh, apparently it is here. Yes, because that's a sensible address. Grr.

*Go me and my simplistic division of the world into 'rich' and 'poor'. I do not live in the real world, truly.

politics, real world, geekery

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