tool, new manson

Jun 09, 2007 19:14

saw tool last night. maybe it's the fact that i've seen them 4 times now, but they're not doing it for me as much live as they used to. don't get me wrong, they still go all out and do a ridiculously spectacular light show, and the monitors with crazy imagery, and they sound absolutely amazing. it's just that it used to be basically a religious experience for me, but now it's like "eh, that was cool". also, with this tour they did mostly songs off the new album. and of course most of the new songs are really really long (some are like 15 minutes long), so in a span of 2 hours they only played 10 songs. may have had something to do with the fact that this time we were standing and i had worked all day, and i hate dealing with the large amounts of people being at an arena show brings, but i got tired of it halfway through. well halfway through they also had a good 15-20 minutes where they did this light show thing with some crazy ufo-looking things and i don't think they were even on stage. i'm not complaining, because it was cool, and it was tool and i'm always happy to see them. but for being there for 2 hours i would have liked to have heard more songs and some older ones as well. i just wanna see "aenima" live again dammit. it was insanity last time they did that song live, and it still stands out in my mind, and that was 6 years ago. tool always has gone out of their way to give you something crazy to look at while they're performing, and i felt like they didn't really do anything different this tour from the last one in september last year. my expectations are always so high for this band, i know that. but for $60 they should be. i'm just kinda thinking i would have rather seen this show on a dvd or something, in my home where i can be comfortable and actually be able to take it all in without dealing with annoying people bumping into me constantly (even though i stood all the way to the side to avoid that) and people smoking (even though it wasn't allowed). oh yeah and one weird thing, for a short time there was an old man next to us. old like at least in his 60's, looked like someone's grandpa. he was rocking out.

heather got us our tickets to see marilyn manson in july. it's at merriweather which is pretty crappy, but we were able to get pit tickets, so i'm pretty excited about it. probably pull one of those wait in line all day to get the best spot deals. the new album is so dark, it was hard to get into at first because that's not my mentality right now, but i'm getting into it now with the 3rd listen. the guitar work on it is really good. and he's doing what he does best, making a whole album that gives off a mood/theme and style that is unique to anything he's done so far. pick any song he's ever done and you could know exactly what album it's from just from how it sounds. he's constantly reinventing himself, in a way that always puts off and confuses people at first, but if you just give it a chance you learn to love it. my first impression every time he puts out a new album is "wtf?" because it's always so incredibly different than the last album. that's what i appreciate most about manson. he's not afraid to change, but he doesn't change so much that it's not him anymore. all the things you loved about him are still there, but with a new spin. i was kinda hoping for a some more rocking/catchy (like mobscene or ddbbzz) songs, that's my only complaint so far.

marilyn manson, concerts, tool

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