1 year! + deftones

Jun 06, 2007 00:30

hmm well lasik still rules. my eyes are no longer itchy or dry and i can start wearing eye makeup again tomorrow so everything's peachy! my back is getting better so hopefully i can be done with physical therapy soon too.

richie and i have our 1 year anniversary this week (we don't really know what day, technically, and this was just counting when we made it official) so that's exciting! tried to do something nice for it by going out to eat at rocky run, but that was a disaster. richie took a bite of a tomato and immediately spit it out because it tasted like bug spray, then went to the bathroom to throw up. we told the manager and he was like "oh sorry bout that, i checked the other tomatoes and they seemed ok. i'll get you a coupon for next time". we weren't in the mood to argue so we sat there dumbfounded by his response. your food made a customer throw up and you think they should pay for it and that they'll return another day to your store? we filled out a comment and richie plans on calling corporate, although they'll probably just try and send us more coupons.

richie really wanted to take me to kobe and be able to pay for the whole thing, but they're pretty expensive and he was relying on some of the more expensive stuff to sell on ebay today and they didn't, so that will have to wait til next week, which is fine. got a bunch more stuff from a woman off of craigslist that will sell for way more than he paid for it.

we saw deftones on sunday after work. the only rainy shitty day of the week and that was the day i had to drive to dc. heather and nick were supposed to go with us but they both backed out at the last minute, so we brought richie's cousin megan instead. took longer than usual to get there because of the rain and because a bus was broken down in one lane, and 295 only had 2 lanes. we got there with perfect timing. we were trying to get there slightly before deftones went on and were gonna drink in the car before we went in, but they now have police cars circling the area of the 930 club during shows, i'm sure due to the fact that people's cars get broken into all the time, so we figured drinking in the car was a bad idea. i got a jack and coke at the bar inside, and the woman gave me shit because my stamp had smeared onto my other hand. the way they stamp at the 930 club is retarded. under 21 gets a huge blue stamp on both hands of who knows what (looks like a flaming rat), and over 21 gets a black stamp that says "9:30" on one hand. they always put way too much ink on it though so you have to wipe some off to avoid accidentally getting it on your clothes. i don't get why they don't just put x's on under 21 like every other club so they don't look similar. i gave her my id but she still gave me a shitty attitude like i smeared it just to fuck with her.

didn't have to wait long for deftones to come on. we stayed on the far left, a few people back, but in that area you can see well without having to deal with too many pushy sweaty people. i was glad to see chino lost the weight he put on when they did the "hole in the earth" video. he has a neck again. they started with "be quiet and drive" which made me very happy. then they did a bunch of "around the fur" songs in a row. the vast majority of the set list was from "around the fur" and "adrenaline" actually. hardly anything off of "white pony" and nothing from the self titled. played all the best songs from the new album except "rapture". it was probably different the next day, since they did 2 shows 2 days in a row at the same venue, although i could only go to the one. they sounded great, but they're kinda slowing down as they get older. chino didn't jump into the crowd like he used to. only problem i really had was their use of lights. giant 3 foot wide bright as hell white strobe lights are very bad for me 5 days after lasik. had to close my eyes or look away several times. we were absolutely exhausted by the end and left during the encore.

deftones, richie, relationships, lasik, concerts

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