I finished Downton Abbey today.
1. Matthew is stupid. He ought to know Mary is young and stupid and only failed to say yes because everybody else was debating what she should do. That said, I like the Mary/Matthew thing intellectually but fail to be convinced by it. It happened too fast and didn't start early enough, not in a real way. The early Mary/Matthew was too easily seen as her being childish and trying to outdo Edith.
2. Sybil is awesome.
3. I really like that the most well-developed romance is a servant romance. Bates and Anna are fabulous and believable and complicated. As already said, I think Mary/Matthew was underdeveloped, and that's the only real upstairs romance. Downstairs there's Bates/Anna and stuff with Daisy and the housekeeper whose name I am blanking on, and even the hints at Sybil/whatshisface the chauffeur. I find this rather unusual, but I like it.
Looking forward to series two!
Happy Chinese New Year!