Linky link:
Gender Gap on Wikipedia in the New York Times. Rather interesting.
Link number two:
Funny Facial Hair.
1. Mad scientist Mozzie! That was awesome. Plus it involved Neal's shoulders, of which I greatly approve. I think Peter also approves.
2. "It's a smoking jacket." YAY. "Did she wear a hat?" MORE YAY.
3. The fact that all my squee is about funny one-off lines and the mostly irrelevant visual of Mozzie's mad science says something about this episode. I did my German homework while watching it. It was very bad guy of the week, with the stuff about Neal's father pasted over it. I don't even really believe the stuff about Neal's father. It didn't get the kind of treatment the real story deserves. Plus the Burma stuff was failzorz. Way to use racial tropes, White Collar.
So basically everything I have to say about this episode everybody else already said. There just wasn't much to it. Which is sad, after the last two episodes that were full of stuff.
I'm going to see the purse exhibit at the Museum of History and Industry on Saturday, for which I'm very excited. Actually I think most purses are ugly and boring, but this is a purse collection and they're probably vintage, so it will be interesting. It's just the purses in malls that are ugly.
Lovely sunshine again today. I went for a walk and got bubble tea and then wandered aimlessly around campus and sat in Red Square. Red Square in the sunshine makes me feel overwhelmingly collegiate.