Drabble: His Undoing

May 09, 2004 12:57

Title: His Undoing
Word Count: 100
Rating: NC-17
A/N: Written for Challenge #20: Snape's last day of teaching at snape100.

Dumbledore headed to the potions dungeon, humming absently to himself. He’d planned to wait until dinner to tell Severus, but instead decided to tell him now and give him a proper chance to react in private.

He opened the door without knocking, as was the Headmaster’s privilege. His humming stopped abruptly at the sight before him.

Harry Potter was bent over the desk, cheeks flushed and trousers pooled around his ankles, biting his hand to keep from crying out as Snape pounded into him roughly from behind.

It looked like they would still need a new Defence teacher after all.
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