Drabble: Pressing Business

May 09, 2004 00:24

Title: Pressing Business
Words: 100
Characters: Harry/Ron...and an observer
Rating: PG-13
A/N : Written for the Euphemism Challenge at hpsquick100. Honestly, the fluff squicks me more than the euphemism...

“Oh no you don’t!”

Harry tackled Ron and landed on top of him with a solid “oof”. He kissed Ron’s laughing lips and ground his hips against him, pinning him to the lawn. Glancing up, Harry saw Hagrid standing nearby, where he had apparently stopped to stare at them.

“Uh-oh. Damage control.”

Ron sat up and brushed himself off as Harry went to talk to Hagrid, who hurried off red-faced almost immediately.

“What was up with him?” asked Ron when Harry returned.

“Dunno,” shrugged Harry. “He just said he had to go search the forbidden forest for a giant snake.”
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