FIC: Surrender

May 07, 2004 01:49

I feel so dirty! I just wrote smut on the train sitting next to an old man. Awesome!

Title: Surrender
Author: tarnationawaits
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Snape/Draco
Warnings: Dubious consent in places, student!Draco (6th year)
Summary: Draco responds to Snape’s objections in the typical Malfoy fashion.
A/N: The sequel to Discipline. I think I'm sort of getting the hang of this, but suggestions are always welcomed and appreciated.

A loud crack echoed through the still night air as a figure appeared on the edge of the Hogwarts grounds. Severus Snape put out a hand to steady himself on the large oak next to him before closing his eyes and letting out a shuddering breath. His entire body buzzed with tension, leaving his muscles cramped and his hands clammy. The Mark on his arm had not yet fully faded and still tingled with the residual burn of the summons. There had been no Cruciatus this time, but still the threat had been ever present and Snape felt vaguely sick at the memory of other meetings that had not gone as well. With a heavy sigh, he pulled himself together and set out across the grounds toward the school.

As he approached his chambers, he was relieved that, for once, there had been no need to dock points and terrorize hapless students out after curfew. He was truly in no mood to deal with anything, least of all Potter skulking around in that damned invisibility cloak. Snape muttered the words to unlock the wards and swung open the heavy door to his quarters. He slid off his outer robe and unceremoniously tossed it over the desk chair before making his way across the room to pour himself a glass of firewhiskey from a half-empty decanter.

“Good Evening, Professor.”

Snape stiffened as he recognized the silky drawl. Cursing himself silently for his oversight, he started to put down the drink before abruptly reconsidering. Instead, he knocked it back in one large swallow and poured himself another, considerably larger, portion. Slowly he turned to the boy lounging elegantly in the overstuffed chair before the fireplace. “Mister Malfoy,” he acknowledged wearily.

Draco flinched slightly at the formal use of his name, but pressed on. “You’re late tonight.”

Not late enough, apparently, Snape thought, but he said, “I don’t believe my schedule is any of your business, Mister Malfoy. Nor do I recall giving you permission to enter my chambers when I am not in them, though that seems to be happening quite frequently of late.”

“You know why I’m here,” he said softly, his grey eyes glinting in the soft light of the room.

Snape clenched his jaw and met Draco’s gaze with a cold stare. “Yes,” he said slowly, “you have made your desires very apparent. However, you are sorely mistaken if you believe them to have any bearing whatsoever on my choice of actions in this case.”

Draco stood and sauntered over to stand in front of Snape. He ran a finger down the line of buttons on Snape’s chest, watching its progression before looking back up into Snape’s eyes with a slight smirk. “You can’t fool me anymore,” he murmured in a low tone. “You made your true feelings quite clear the other night.”

Snape felt a jolt of arousal as the memory of Draco up against the wall with tousled hair and bloody lips flashed through his mind unbidden. He cursed his body’s response as his blood began to head noticeably downward. Setting his face in a mask of impassivity, he replied, “Your account of the events is severely distorted, Mister Malfoy. I specifically recall asking you to leave then, and I repeat that sentiment now.”

He extricated himself from Draco’s touch and crossed the room to lower himself into the recently vacated chair, shifting in the seat to cover the evidence of his body’s betrayal as convincingly as possible. Withdrawing his wand from pocket, he turned to the fireplace and muttered, “Incendio.” He placed the wand on the table next to the chair and swirled his glass of firewhiskey, willing the insolent boy to listen, if only just this once. The tension that wracked his body was heightened almost unbearably by the recent developments, and he longed for the relief of release.

The sound of cloth hitting the floor made Snape look up abruptly. He couldn’t stop a small gasp from escaping his lips as a quite naked and clearly aroused Draco Malfoy stepped over the puddle of robes at his feet and made his way toward where Snape sat.

Snape froze, caught between anger and desire, and if the throbbing of his cock was any indication, he was rapidly losing out to the latter. He struggled to cease the hungry roam of his eyes over Draco’s creamy skin. “Dra-Mister Malfoy, this is completely unacceptable.” Snape’s voice was unsteady. “Clothe yourself immediately and get out of my chambers.”

“Or what?” Draco taunted. A half-smile quirked his lips and he showed no signs that he planned to obey.

The glass in his hand fast becoming a liability, Snape placed it on the table, his mind rapidly searching for an adequate response that would not provoke Draco further.

“Or-” Whatever he had been about to say flew from his mind as Draco placed his hands on the chair over each of Snape’s shoulders and lowered himself to straddle his lap. Snape pressed back against the chair, putting as much distance between them as possible. He dug his fingers into the arms of the chair and forced his eyes to remain locked on Draco’s face.

Draco leaned in, barely giving Snape time to turn his face from his inviting lips. He contented himself to nibble on Snape’s earlobe instead, his soft laughter gusting across the sensitive flesh and sending an uncontrollable shiver down Snape’s spine. Draco sat back slightly and began undoing the row of buttons down Snape’s chest.

“Draco,” Snape commanded in a low growl. He reached out and seized Draco’s arms in a harsh grip, shaking him roughly. Draco gasped at the bruising hold and Snape felt the boy’s hips give a small, automatic thrust against his own.

“Yes, sir?” he breathed, taking his bottom lip between his teeth and looking up from under his impossibly long lashes with insincere regret. It was something about this sight - the tousled hair, the reddened lips and brief flashes of tongue, the unabashed wantonness and need in those grey eyes - that wiped Snape’s mind and all the reasons he had had for resisting surrendered to his own need and desire.

“Don’t stop.”

“Yes, sir.”

Snape relaxed back against the chair as Draco continued to undo the buttons until his shirt lay open and he peppered soft kisses over the exposed skin. Sliding from Snape’s lap, Draco positioned himself on his knees between Snape’s legs and undid his trousers, languorously running his fingers over Snape’s freed cock.

Keeping his eyes locked on Snape’s, Draco leaned down and licked the glistening fluid from the slit. Snape let out a soft moan as Draco’s tongue moved lower, swirling teasingly around the head before traveling down the entire length of the shaft. Draco brought his other hand up to gently massage Snape’s balls before letting it wander to his own needy cock. Snape’s breathing hitched as Draco began stroking himself, but his eyes slid closed and his hips bucked as Draco took his entire length into the velvety warmth of his mouth.

His breathing was coming fast now as Draco sucked and teased, and he couldn’t stop himself from thrusting deeper as Draco took him in nearly to the hilt. The small moan and convulsion of Draco’s throat as he came was enough to push Snape over the edge. With a sharp cry, he poured all of the tension and anger and desire of the night into Draco, who swallowed uncomplainingly.

Snape sat panting as waves of pleasure washed over his body and the pressures wrought by the earlier events of the evening faded to a distant memory. He let out a contented sigh as Draco retrieved his wand and cast a cleaning spell before painstakingly zipping and buttoning Snape up to his original state. Snape opened his eyes to see Draco sliding his robes easily back over his shoulders, looking back at him with a small smile playing over his flushed mouth.

Draco returned to him and leaned close to his ear. “Thank you, sir,” he whispered before turning and walking to the doorway. “Good night,” he called softly as he shut the door behind him.

“Goodnight, Draco,” Snape murmured to the empty room.
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