Drabble: Last Supper

May 10, 2004 20:15

Title: Last Supper (HP/VC Crossover. Shh, don't tell Anne Rice.)
Word Count: 100
Rating: R?
A/N: Written for hpsquick100's Catch Up week. Left over bunny from crossover week awhile back.

Wormtail eyed the two men at the table nervously as he scampered across the room. Something about them unsettled him; Empty plates and too-red wine. He hoped the feeling was simply left over from the spell the Dark Lord had used to send him through time and space.

Suddenly, one of the men reached out with preternatural speed and snatched Wormtail from the floor. He squeaked and struggled, but could do nothing to escape the twin pains that pierced his flesh.

As the blood drained from his body, a voice floated up to his ears.

“Ugh. Still eating rats, Louis?”
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