(no subject)

May 10, 2010 22:46

First of all, at long last, I have finished The Venture of Islam, all three volumes and approximately 1600 pages of it. I forget when I started it, but possibly it was the beginning of March. Yes, that's the sad depths my productivity has fallen to in the past year. But I'm done! The next book I have to read is a nice and snappy 190-page monograph.

In addition to finishing The Venture of Islam, I spent a couple of quality hours this afternoon inputting my students' weekly participation grades into my excel spreadsheet. Tomorrow morning I'll calculate their final participation grades, and set up my excel formulas in preparation for their final exam marks. Once all this is done, without it being five in the morning the day final grades are due, the universe may implode.

Some of my fellow grad students, might I add, ones who still have classwork and are TA's for less slackeriffic courses than mine, are really hoping my level of organization will make the universe implode, so I'll have to get on it early tomorrow to minimize their suffering.

Tonight, however, I am still le tired, and I'll probably go to bed soon, the better to begin enacting my plan for getting up a little earlier every day for the next couple of weeks, until I am getting up EARLY for the summer. Because I'm planning to get up early every day all summer, the better to be fantastically productive, of course.

The first step is sustaining today's productivity into tomorrow.

yes i did read that, grad school

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