Because I finally finished post-editing and uploading the pix to FB by 3:30am, I'm gonna keep this journal super-short. I hear applause, heaps of hurrah and "OMG SHE FINALLY WRITES IT SHORT!" in the background? XPPPP
Anyway, here's the first batch, starting from Day 1 to Day 3 of my Europe tour this year:
Fiera Milano Milan Furniture Fair 2010 I've set them to Public profile, so if you still can't view them, note me ASAP and I'll fix it ASAP :)
Anyway, I'm beat. I'll be sending off the emails + pictures to those who requested + post the rest of the batch before my term break ends!
Thanks for your patience, and good night to ye all (and to the other side of the world, good morning XD;)