...I can't believe I'm clocking 4ams for 2 nights in a row!
*tries to evade incoming Tank and Witch for not going to sleep in time*
But errrm...my body clock's kinda adjusted to the Amsterdam time already (it's like what, just 9pm there?)
Aaaanyway, I've uploaded Day 3's Duomo and Milan Cathedral pix. It's one of the last few LARGE Gothic churches around, and after the repairworks for its facade, it's now gleaming like new, as though it's never aged since they day it was built finished.
(Yeap, I like 'em Gothic churches, and I openly admit I'm a closet Goth. Fair? XD;)
Anyway, here's one image large enough to entice you further ;)
Let's Go to the FB album :: Duomo and Milan Cathedral! Been set to Public profile as usual on FB, so if no one can view it, note me ASAP and I'll fix'em right away!
Last notes:
All the pictures here have undergone some post-colour-processing, so they're more vivid but more close to its real-life counterparts, and watermark's in place to prevent art theft! (learnt my lesson from dA liao orz)
And now, it's time to hit the bed! Ciao~