It was the middle of November last year when I had the closest thing to a real mental breakdown that I've ever experienced. For several nights in a row I lay on the thin Berber carpet in one of the lightless study lounges or on a low wall in a nearby parking garage, sobbing and wishing for some private space and for some respite from all of my
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(1:11:06 PM) zestycoyote: \=D/ (1:11:24 PM) tangywolf: that doesn't look very good with the = eyes D: (1:11:31 PM) tangywolf: makes it too FAT (1:11:38 PM) zestycoyote: my smiley is drowning in a glass of water (1:11:43 PM) zestycoyote: that's the effect i was trying to get
Wow, I should leave for months at a time more often. All of my friends seem to be clamoring to spend time with me. It feels kinda nice to have people literally arguing over who gets to spend time with me on any given day.
(10:52:13 AM) MintyDingo: my mom just said do you want to be a slave to the country cause thats what we're headed for (10:52:25 AM) tangywolf: ahahahaha (10:52:36 AM) MintyDingo: mom you racist?
(MintyDingo is half black and was adopted by a borderline-elderly white couple.)
I yearn for some breaking and entering. It's been a long time since acidicfizz, Scott and I infiltrated that abandoned car factory in Cleveland in the middle of the night, armed only with a pocket knife. I live for such excitement.
Okay, I'm gonna be totally honest. Morphicon was a huuuuuge letdown. The con itself wasn't much fun at all.
LUCKILY, I made a couple of really cool friends and we found other stuff to do in Columbus. I don't regret the trip at all; just the $30 membership fee!
Oh, and I guess the Pretztail suit was pretty cool too.