
Jul 03, 2007 12:51

So, zombie dream last night. And this is going to be ridiculously long. Longer than any entry I've ever made. I could probably write a book about this thing if I felt like it.
It took place in a fairly good sized city in Kentucky. I have no idea why it was in Kentucky. The main characters were mostly people I know, except one or two of them were replaced with similar people who weren't exactly the same.

The dream started out in some office building with cubicles. The occupants of the office I was in had apparently been hiding in the building for some time, listening to news reports of zombies on the streets. The beginning of the dream was when the action started. Some of the zombies that were out in the hallway finally managed to bust through the door and started coming into the office. Needless to say, everyone panicked and started running around to find somewhere safe. My first instinct was to find a group of people who I knew. Now, I'm not sure if I worked there in the office building in the dream or if I was there for some other reason, but I ended up finding a couple of the guys with whom I hit it off last year in my video and audio class, Billy McCracken and Cory Perry.

After finding them, the three of us decided we needed to get out of the building. The only problem with that plan was that we were pretty far from the door and there was mass chaos throughout the room with people getting torn apart by zombies. We were unarmed, and couldn't really find anything with which to arm ourselves, so we made a run for it. This part was almost choreographed. We got through the room as quickly as we could by spinning around zombies and cubicle walls and screaming office employees. Just as we were nearing the door, though, we became surrounded. I thought we were screwed, but suddenly Cory just ran through the wall of animated corpses that had formed and told us to hurry through the path he had made. We did, and it worked. But just as we got to the door, a group of zombies got hold of Cory and pretty much ripped out his organs. By that time all trace of honour had escaped from our bodies and we ran out the door to the hallway, down the stairs, and finally out of the building after a bit more, leaving poor Cory there to die. (In our defense, we all know the zombie bites he had received would have turned him into a zombie in a while anyway. He was done for.)

Once outside I remembered that my brother Ryan lived in a nearby apartment. Billy and I went to find him. As expected, he was there in his apartment, and his girlfriend was there too.

I need to stop here and explain Ryan's girlfriend, Katie. She was one of those characters in this dream who was sort of similar to the real-life version, but not exactly the same. In the dream, Katie was sort of a Latina (different from real life) with blond hair (same as real life), and just as beautiful as the real Katie. I'm saying quite a bit here, because there aren't many people who are as beautiful as the real Katie. The dream version was a police officer I guess, as you will see a bit later in the dream. The real Katie is a medical something-or-other, on the waiting list for nursing. Alright, back to the dream.

Ryan and Katie's apartment was in the more heavily populated part of town when compared to my house in the dream, and therefore more surrounded by zombies. It was quickly decided that we should all move to my house where we would be safer.

I didn't get to see the trip from the apartment to my house, though, because I had sort of a flashback to an event a few weeks ago in Katie's life. She had apparently arrested a man in a big drainage tunnel somewhere in the inner city for possession of narcotics or something like that. She was pretty rough with him, bordering on brutal. It made me think she knew the guy and really had something against him, but nothing was revealed about who he was at that time. I distinctly remembered there was a number on the wall of the tunnel; the number 18 in blue, stenciled numerals. Additionally, there seemed to be a pretty decent amount of clear water running along the floor of the large tunnel at all times. Then the flashback ended and we had arrived at my house.

Obviously I don't have my own house in real life, but I did in this dream. I think it was an old farm house in the suburbs of whatever city we were in in Kentucky. It was large and really nice on the first floor, but the second floor was more of a loft and wasn't quite as fancy. Or at least that's how I "remembered" it having been before the zombie outbreak. When we reached the house, the entire first floor had already been broken into and there were a few zombies roaming around inside. I assumed these used-to-be people were my neighbours. We really had no choice but to go inside anyway, as there was nowhere else to go. All the other houses around were equally unsafe, and the street sure wasn't the best place to be. Besides, I recalled that the stairway to the second floor of the house was locked behind a pretty heavy wooden door, and I hoped that it had remained locked.

When we entered the house, it was pretty easy to dodge the few zombies that had wandered inside. I immediately went to the stairway door and pulled out a skeleton key and began to unlock it. The knob was old and the inside seemed to be rusty. I was having a lot of trouble getting it unlocked, and the zombies were starting to get closer. Just as they were nearing our group, I managed to get the thing open and we all went upstairs after re-locking the door.

Now that we finally had some security, we (Ryan, Katie, Billy and I) were able to think about what to do. I guess Ryan and I had both moved to this city without our parents, because we didn't seem to worry about the rest of our family. The same went for Billy. Katie was only worried about her fiancé, Garrett, from whom she was separated but not yet...uh...unengaged? disengaged? Whatever you'd call that. (Garrett is a completely fictional character. In fact, I don't even know anyone named Garrett.) Ryan, of course, didn't want to check on him and told Katie he didn't want her to do so either. She complied (for now) and said she was going to take a nap. The rest of us went into another room and tried to take our minds off the situation with video games, because there was really nothing else for us to do.

We must have had the TV turned up pretty loud, because we didn't hear Katie leave the house. After a while, I went to the other room to check on her and saw that she was no longer in the bed where we had left her. I returned to Ryan to tell him that Katie had gone, and he just said something like, "She probably didn't want to play video games. Don't worry about it."

I had to explain to my brother that she was now outside with the zombies and that she certainly wasn't safe. Once he understood the gravity of the situation, we frantically tried to figure out where she could have gone. We knew there was no sense in running around, searching blindly. Eventually one of us realized that she must have gone to check on Garrett.

We set out again, headed for Garrett's house, which was in the more wealthy section of my neighbourhood. Along the way, Ryan explained that Garrett was a fairly well-known local celebrity who headed a pop band or something. There was jealousy in his voice as he was telling us about Garrett, so I could tell that Ryan felt a little insecure about the whole thing. After some light zombie action, we made it to Garrett's house. He evidently still lived with his parents, who, after unbolting the door and opening it just a crack, told us through tears that he had gone to the city to look for Katie some hours ago. They said they expected him back shortly, but it was pretty clear that they were beginning to give up hope. We didn't tell them that Katie had been with us and that there was no reason for him to have been gone for so long. (This is the only really illogical part of the dream, as Katie almost certainly would have already stopped at Garrett's house and talked to his parents.) We headed to the city again, knowing that if we found Garrett we would also find Katie.

Cautiously we roamed the streets, trying to ignore the screams of agony everywhere while dodging a light peppering of living dead. Many of the zombies seemed to have either left the inner city or entered buildings.

After what seemed like an hour or so, Ryan somehow got separated from Billy and me. Again, I didn't see what Billy and I did during this time, because I had sort of a flash-forward to Ryan describing what happened to him while he was looking for Katie. I could see the events, but it was all narrated by Ryan, as if he was telling the story to someone after it was all over. Additionally, it was like he was telling the story to someone who wasn't there that day, but some of what he said was addressed directly to Katie, if that makes any sense.

He came across the entrance to a drainage tunnel. He could hear violent sobbing coming from inside, and he thought to himself that it sounded like Katie. He warily entered the tunnel. When he turned the corner, he could see Katie standing in the water that was about halfway to her knees, crying uncontrollably. On the wall hung a dismembered and completely unrecognizable corpse. Next to the corpse was the number 18 in blue, stenciled numerals. Ryan ran to her and tried to calm her down. When she was relatively quiet, she told Ryan that the corpse hanging on the wall was Garrett.

Katie had somehow managed to track Garrett to the drainage tunnel and had seen a couple of men, one of which was the man she had arrested in the earlier flashback, attacking Garrett. The men had taken advantage of the chaotic zombie situation to escape from the city jail and get revenge on Katie. By the time she got to Garrett the men had already tied him to the wall and were escaping. There was nothing Katie could do to stop them, and the zombies in the tunnel were now advancing on the restrained Garrett. Katie couldn't get him untied in time, and he told her to run away, that he wanted her to live her life and that she shouldn't worry about him because they would see each other in the afterlife. She tearfully did what he asked and hid nearby while the zombies ravaged Garrett's body. Katie watched much of the gruesome scene and was only barely able to keep herself quiet enough to remain undiscovered. When the monsters were satisfied, they slowly left the drainage tunnel and Katie came out of hiding. She stood next to Garrett's body, crying. This is when Ryan arrived. At this point the storytelling Ryan directly addressed Katie and said something about the fact that she had rinsed her face off in the water flowing through the tunnel and that she could have got some of Garrett's infected blood in her eyes, causing her to become a zombie. She said she had only been thinking of the look on Garrett's face as he was torn apart. The flash-forward ended, and the dream returned to Billy and me.

As Billy and I walked along the street, we saw Ryan and Katie emerge from the drainage tunnel. We were all reunited, and Ryan and Katie said nothing of what had happened. We made our way back to my house at last and again locked ourselves on the second floor. Here we waited out the zombie outbreak, and the dream fast-forwarded to a time shortly after everything was again under control and the zombies were eliminated.

Ryan, Katie, Billy and I were sitting at my kitchen table reminiscing about everything that had happened. After saying how glad we were that the horrible event was over, a bloodied human body crashed through the picture window and onto the table.

The dream ended.

family, dreams, zombies, sleep, friends, people

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