When will the Left apologize??

Jun 04, 2010 09:11

Remember earlier this year when our august Supreme Court handed down its ruling in Citizens United v. FEC, a grand decision thanks to Conservative Justices who actually know how to interpret the constitution.....remember how that ilicited a slew of shrill responses from the likes of Keith Olbermann,Rachel Maddow,and other other Left-Wing Propagandists??......Olbermann even went as far as to compare it to the Dred Scott decision....we were told that this decision was supposed to lead to Corporate Tyranny choosing Corporate Candidates for us.......

And then on top of that, our socalled president even decided to show how classless he is and humiliated the Court during his SOTU because he did not like the decision and agreed with the MSNBC airheads....

Well, midterm primaries are over and midterm election season is underway.....where are the Corporate Manchurian Candidates that were supposed to take over??......where are the barrage of Corporate Ads?....it looks more like the candidates that got nominated would've goten nominated regardelss of Citizens United.... could it be that Olbermann and Maddow and their kin were lying?....

Once again we are shown that the Free Market knows best and only Tyranny we have to fear is the Tyranny of Big Government...and its propagandists like the primetime anchors on MSNBC....The Free Market....aw hell yeah!!!

So when will the Left apologize.....not only for smearing and slandering our fine Supreme Court....but for making light of slavery by comparing this decision to Dred Scott?


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