Heads Up, Hitler-Was-a-Leftist Revisionists!

Jun 05, 2010 15:59

Because one of your boosters, Glenn Beck, just accidentally stuck his foot clean through Godwin's Law and cut himself badly in the process.

Glenn Beck, 6/5/10:

- this is a book, The Red Network, this came in from 1936. People, McCarthy was absolutely right. Now he may not have, he may have used bad tactics, but he was absolutely right. This is a book, and I’m getting a ton of these from people who where doing what we’re doing now. We now are documenting who all of these people are. Well, there were Americans in the first fifty years of this nation, that took this seriously, and they documented it, and this is from 1936 and in it it talks about…it’s all, it’s the Who’s Who and Handbook of Radicalism for Patriots.

The people named as Communists and Communist sympathizers in Elizabeth Dilling’s book, The Red Network, a Who’s Who of Radicalism for Patriots, include Eleanor Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, and Albert Einstein.

Well, hey, maybe Glenn hadn’t gotten to those sections yet. He doesn’t strike me as either a fast or a careful reader. But surely he’d gotten to page 37, where Dilling denounces the Methodist Evangelical Council, and in particular one Dr. Tittle, for including a “Negro Social Equality plank" in its 1932 Conference?

Red Network, Page 37:

Some Methodists nowadays who are little opposed to dancing even in a church were a bit surprised, however, when several colored men were introduced into circle dances at a dance given in the parish house of Tittle’s church and were thus forced upon young white girls as partners. An M.E. Guild member whose daughter attended this dance reported that when she phoned the assistant pastor about this he said that these colored men had been invited by Dr. Tittle himself (one of them being a son of a classmate of his at college) who felt it was now time that the young people learned to mingle with other races. (God created separate races, but Communism insists upon racial inter-mixture and inter-marriage.)

The great American colored man Booker T. Washington voiced the sentiments of the best elements in both races when he said that the races should be as separate and distinct as the fingers of a hand and as united for the service of all humanity. Why should either race wish to lose its distinctive characteristics? Neither the races nor the sexes can ever be equal. They will always be different and have distinctive functions to perform in life.

Dilling’s anti-Semitism kind of bobs to the surface when she writes about that commie, so-called scientist Albert Einstein

Chapter on Einstein:

…When Hitler started his campaign against Communists and Einstein’s Jewish relatives, Einstein demonstrated his “relativity” theory in a perfectly understandably way by reversing his “Pacifist” position and urging Belgian war resisters to go to war against Germany.

Then becomes even more obvious, along with her racism, in that “who’s who” section of Commie organizations Glenn likes so much:


…The savage Mohammedan call of the Muezzin as heard in darkest Asia is mingled with the propaganda of the Hindu, Jew, and agnostic. Negro choirs and performances give an interracial touch to the meetings….


…National movement for boycotting Germany, supposedly because of its anti-Jewish activities, organized by Samuel Untermyer of N.Y. City. No one who treasures American freedom wants fascism or Hitlerism for America, but it is only fair to note that Germany had 6,00,000 Communists bent on Red terrorist revolution and that Russian Jews had made themselves prominent in the Red movement, and that Naziism has directed its attacks more against conspiring ,revolutionary Communist Jews than against nationalist German Jews who aided Germany during the war: If it has discriminated against the innocent also, it has been with no such ferocity and loss of life as the planned and imminent Communist Reviolution would have wreaked upon the Germany population, had it been successful as in Russia. …

Any reader of Dilling who is also familiar with Glenn Beck will pick up pretty quickly what he finds appealing about this book and its author. (Her rant against Einstein’s theory of relativity has definite echoes in right wing denunciations of Global Warming.) Across all those long decades, heart is plainly calling to heart, and Beck is absolutely right when he says, of Dilling and others of her ilk, that they were doing then what he and others of his ilk are doing now.

Which is to say, an attempted lobotomization of American culture using hatred, ignorance, and bizarre conspiracy theories

My question is, how does this author -- a right wing segregationist apologist for Hitler's anti-semitic policies -- fit in with Beck’s (and Jonah Goldberg’s) claim that the Nazis fall on the left side of the political spectrum, and with Beck’s recent claim that progressives have “co-opted” the civil rights movement from the right wing? Does Beck really envision Dilling marching in the black Civil Rights movement?

And what’s Beck’s and his followers’ next move? Are they going to double down and embrace Dilling? (God knows, they wouldn’t have to move too far over to the right to do it.) Or, will they try to paint Dilling as a leftist? Or, are they just going to shut up about her and hope everyone else forgets Beck ever said anything?

Any bets?

glenn beck

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