Just One Question

Mar 19, 2010 02:21

Greetings America and it's friendly if insignificant neighbors!
[oh, I'm sorry, was that too much American culture for you? y'all should know by now I'm jus' messin' 'round. we are all neighbors, and I love you all; Hail Eris]

I believe in representative democracy.
I believe in order for it to work voters must be educated politically.

"if you ask what is the good of education in general, the answer is easy: that education makes good men, and that good men act nobly." -Plato

I fear that, upon examining individuals they seem to know very little about politics a lot of the time. This forum is an obvious exception**--as it's about politics. But if you walk down several blocks in a NE suburb, you might be surprised at just how little they know. We the people are misinformed [and/or apathetic and of course I cannot prove this 100%. I have only my own experiences and feelings up to this point. Feel free to share some stats if you got em.]

Honestly mislead people with good hearts. "If you watch Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly they really just love their country." My face twists a little. "I know you disagree, and that's OK." -a nice man in his later years told me in LI.

People who think Republicans are trying to help the little guy--the poor man. Some man came from very humble beginnings and now had a place to himself--..and a little rabbit running around. And Fox on in the background--he used their tag-line "shoving this healthcare thing down our throats". Again, he was fine with me being liberal. Though I downplayed it.

Then there's the total ignoramuses. In anger one man asked if I was "some kind of Islam" and stomped off. This after yelling about ACORN stealing an election and Obama and why religion wasn't taught in schools (without provocation I might add) And he ignored the calmly delivered 1st amendment response to why religion wasn't in public schools...his knowledge was made of fail.

Now, for every group of so many uneducated voters (and/or apathetic) there are the politically active folks too (this forum seems to have a few). But I fear the ratio is in the favor of the uneducated/apathetic. Even if the ratio is even, that's not very good. We can and ought do better. (if we hit 2:1 educated voters: not educated/apathetic, I'd say we're nearing success, since I never expect it to to perfect)

So far this post has been statements.

So here is a question: how do we fix it?

**in before, this forum isn't a total exception. it has a few ignoramuses too. perhaps me--or perhaps you.

education, opinion, society

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