Aus election silliness!

Aug 08, 2013 17:54

Just so you seppos don't start thinking you have a monopoly on moronic political candidates, here's some of the gems from the first week of the Australia election campaign.

Party founded by SuperRacist Pauline Hanson is putting this gem up:

"I don't oppose Islam as a country, but I do feel that their laws should not be welcome here in Australia"

This one made me reflect on Rand Paul using food stamps as a boy:

(I don't think posting photos from faceboot works, so basically, one part of his campaign material says "secure our borders, and once again, stop the boats" and another part tells of how he arrived in 1980 with his grandparents as a refugee) The best bit perhaps, is wannabe treasurer Joe Hockey saying "There are a number of Chinese candidates, including in Victoria, who I was just campaigning with a few days ago in Chisholm, John Nguyen". Now, really, anyone who lives in Australia, especially someone who thinks themselves smart enough for one of the most intellectually taxing jobs in the nation, should know that Nguyen is a Viet Namese name. Especially during a sentence where you're trying to tell the nation how your party understands Asians...

This is probably my favourite:

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They have a six point plan, he just doesn't know what it is. In fairness, I'm pretty sure no one in the party knows what it is, they seem to be content having STOP THE BOATS as the beginning and end of their immigration policy.

What I want to end on is this fantastic example of Rupert Murdoch's idea of balanced journalism:

ETA: The guy on the left is possibly the next PM. He's not at all creepy or an argument that Icke may be on to something:

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australia, elections, nonsense

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