Freedom from what?

Dec 22, 2012 15:07

Gun advocate: "...and yet it is possible for any government to become sufficiently corrupt and malevolent. Thus, the point of the second amendment."

All right, freedom-loving 2nd Amendment worshiping gun advocate. It is also possible that we're visited by aliens tomorrow. It's possible that we're hit by an asteroid and all of this stupid talk goes away, as we get reduced to clubs and stones again. Many things are possible.

But seriously. If your government really insists to become sufficiently corrupt and malevolent, you won't be able to prevent that with guns and rifles. You don't prevent corruption with guns. If your government becomes corrupt, something must've already gone terribly wrong in your society, and it's because you've let it happen. Shooting at the government or whatever you imagine "resistance" to be like, doesn't make the government benevolent. Besides, you can't possibly challenge the government war machine that you've already created, with these petty weapons. Unless you want to have tanks, missiles, fighter jets and bazookas, of course; and resort to full-out guerrilla terrorism. You want to fight special forces and the military with a couple of pistols? Be my guest. I'll be watching your epic heroism on CNN with great interest. You think the US is Libya where the government is armed with the same weapons like the people? No, it isn't. Really, it's not. Look around, how many military bases are in your state alone? You know how they're equipped, right?

I live in South Africa. The Resistance here resorted to sabotage during the time of Struggle, granted. But that's not what toppled the apartheid government. It was the mounting economic pressure from around the world that forced the oppressive government to step down. My father and his comrades could've continued their armed resistance indefinitely, and they'd be crushed if that hadn't been coupled with political, diplomatic and geopolitical isolation from the international forces that really mattered. No, guns don't bring down corrupt governments. Not in the most powerful military force in the world, anyway. I repeat, the US is not Somalia, and not Syria.

...And I thought the free-gun-access advocates were all about self defense. Now it's about toppling the government. So which is it?

Besides, wanting a more adequate control on who gets access to guns =/= banning weapons. There's a big difference there that I'm sure most people with two brain cells are very well aware of.

There are states where anyone could go to the gun store and buy a weapon. Anyone. Even kids. Meanwhile, you have to prove you're over 21 in order to buy a bottle of vodka. Does this make a lot of sense to you? Because to me it doesn't.

Damn. And I was intending not to get immersed too deep into this debate. :-/

gun laws, civil rights

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