Nov 01, 2013 23:56
So October is over ... and with it the majority of my traveling for the year. I have another short one week of travel coming up in December (Manchester, NH and Hartford, CT), and there's the possibility of an on-site being added in December as well, but so far November is staying clear of travel. This means I'll be in-house working on office projects (updating course materials, creating new quizzes and exercises, answering member questions). It also means I'll be home and therefore more readily making it to various Northwest NJ NaNoWriMo meet-ups and virtual chats. Maybe this year I'll get back to "winning" NaNo. 50,000 words over 30 days is approximately 1,700 words per day.
I was thinking of attempting my science fiction novel again, but taking the Earth character out and concentrating on the Denthen star- system. As I headed into today, I realized I just wasn't enthused/excited about the project, and really didn't have a specific story to tell, which is a recipe for losing motivation.
So I decided to make a stab, for the third year in a row, at writing a book of short stories. It's the form I'm most comfortable with anyway, and with my goal of at least doubling the number of published credits in 2014 as I had in 2013 (from three to six), it's a way to get a start on having more to send out.
So the goal is 10 stories of approximately 5k each. 50,000.
But I wanted some kind of theme, and writing a batch of short stories set only in the Denthen system didn't really work the last time I tried.
Everyone I know through the social media outlets comments on my love of music in general and on how supportive I am of unsigned/indie bands in particular. I've already named a story after a Thomas Fiss song ("Chasing Satellites") and a Casey Stratton song ("So Much Loss").
So I've decided that I'm going to write 10 stories that take their names from various bands I've had the pleasure of getting to know through Twitter, interviewing for my site, or seeing in concert. I don't have a set-in-stone agenda, but I started tonight and got 2,155 words on the first story.
This first story is the only one that's been even slightly thought about before the first, as I'm adapting my music video script for The Dalliance's "Minor Disturbance" into story form. The script, which was never filmed, had some great eerie imagery in it, but left the cohesive details of the story up to the viewer to intuit. I'm enjoying fleshing that out, and what started as a bit of a psychological story seems to be gaining some Lovecraftian overtones as I go along.
The rough plan right now is for stories based on Paradise Fears, 7 Minutes in Heaven, The New Royalty, Say We Can Fly, and songs by Frank Dixon, Anson Li, Burnham and Hollywood Ending. Not sure what the 10th spot will be, and honestly even this list may change as I feel motivated/inspired.