May 04, 2008 01:36
I consider myself a shamanic pagan taoist. I believe strongly in karma, I also believe in reincarnation, and the fact that you can reach a nirvana/heaven if you reach enlightenment/sainthood, otherwise you just get reincarnated again because of earthly attachments. I believe this world is a beta test upon which your next life will be constructed. I also believe that the earth is spiraling towards the sun over a course of eons. Once it moves close enough all the water will evaporate and it will turn into a venus like place, then it will turn into a mercury like place when it gets closer and finally it will spiral into the sun. If you NEVER overcome your earthly attachments you will become as a ghost and become trapped on this rock until it spirals into the hell that is the inferno of the sun. At the point where all these celestial spirals collide are the black holes, and once they take in enough matter they become suns or planets depending on their situation, ones that travel along the spirals will attach to the ends of solar systems, ones that stay there will become their own solar systems. The creators basically decided "hey lets create the same ball of clay over and over to see how many outcomes there are" BASICALLY everythi you can possibly fathom as happening HAS HAPPENED AND IS HAPPENING, somewhere in the infinite universe, kinda like the if you have an infinite amount of chimps on infinite typerwriters one will write a shakespear play. This means that every fiction work or thought or dream you have is absolutely real. There is a certain race of what we call "aliens" or "angels" that are the brotherhood of light, they made jump points on every planet,that you can even find on mars and the moon in the form of pyramids(similar to the egyptian ones). Their vessels are built like gyroscopic discs that travel along these spirals and through blackholes to reach anypoint in the universe. They are beings of pure light. TO be ascended is to be taken up by one of them.
There is a cosmic consciousness, a universal subconscious that links us all. WE are all like different fingers on the same hand. Carl Jung was one of the pioneers who wrote about it. Basically through intense meditation we can tap to all the wisdom of the universe, past present and future alike. With every choice we make we are shifted into another dimension and another may be created. Energy may be created and destroyed all the time.
To reach heaven is to be born again outside the reach of space and time.
Space and time were created to grow larvae, because you cant grow larvae outside of space and time.
Also if you add up all the universe, solid, liquid, gas and take into account the gravity of the cosmos, and justhe way things spiral against eachother ITS ALL VISCOUS GOO. This goo is food for the larvae, if we move with the goo we can do anything, following its current, its flow, its tao, its chi, whatever you call it. Tai-chi is the pushing and pulling of this goo.
All sound is just bubbling in that viscous goo. WE NEVER LEFT THE PRIMORDIAL OOZE. We are tiny bits of carbon, we ARE pollution, we are the creators toxic waste -and- drug of choice. There is in the end no truly good nor bad, though where we go is dependant on it, neither wins really in the end, its a delicate balance. THe whole setup was created for life to happen in many places concurrently. Once you get past all the illusions, forced delusions, brainwashing, etc, you finally get clued into what all the prophets were talking about. There truely is an unstoppable flow and to go against it is surely death. Do what thou wilt.
There also exists an aetherrealm where our supersoul lives. WE can take on our supersoul at anytime and that is when we get linked to all the knowledge of the universe and its various dimensions past present and future.
People call the collective unconsciousness "god" because collective cosmic consciousness seems too cold and impersonal.
I think we should strive for enlightenment/saintlihood (which we will reach if our soul is complete); however, if we cant obtain that(and have an incomplete soul, needing another half) we should seek true love. Should we find enlightenment/sainthood we will reach the nirvana/heaven; however, should we find true love we shall become a complete soul in the next life and then be capable of reaching the enlightenment level.
In all things strive for goodness.
Once you find personal truth you cant go back to being a sheep of blind faith, no matter how hard you try or pretend. You can still be a shepherd of the blind though, and if you really strive you can be one to spread the light and one to allow others to see.