Jan 20, 2009 09:08
Many groundbreaking theories were founded by those who fought convention and thought outside the box.
Ive heald this theory for quite some time. If youve ever heard the theories about aether realms and higher realms which the supersoul resides in this is sort of like that, but much different.
The Multiverse is a serious of bubbles, each one encompassing a universe and the bubbles of goo exist on top of eachother and extend infinitely.
Universal Consruction: If you take the mean of all the solids, gasses and liquids in the universe and take into account the orbits of planets around suns, suns around galaxies and galaxies around the universe, and zoom out enough so you are looking at it as a whole it would make perfect sense that it is a mass of viscous goo. Science has found that hundreds of Terrabytes of information can be stored in liquid harddrives. This must be supercooled in a vacuum. Space is a supercooled vacuum. Would it not make sense that this is the storage media of the universe?
By this logic it would make sense that we never left the primordial ooze.
Solar Construction: The goal of any universe is to create the same ball of clay over and over again to realize an infinite possibillities. If you had an infinite amount of monkey typeing on an infinite amount of typerwriters one of them will write the complete story of Star Wars. Takeing that same logic, if you create an infinite amount of planets and universes...well...somewhere Star Wars really exists(ed).
Back to the matter at hand, the same ball of clay is being created over and over again.
Planets spiral in TOWARDS their sun. It isa factory of sorts. Everytime a planet crashes into the sun it generates enough charge that the sun grows to it's next stage. From a red dwarf to a white giant and so on. When the sun reaches the next stage it melts the ice on the next planet in line and that planet is now in the life belt.
Mercury was once like Venus before it got so close that it went through all of it's changes. Venus was once like Earth, before it moved so close it went through all of it's changes. Earth once was a Mars, Mars once was a Jupiter(before the crust mass over the giant gas ball baked down) and so fourth!
Planets attach themselves to the end of these spirals when they travel along the spirals of universal construction and fall into one. There is a point at the end of each solar system where the spiral turns against itself and forms a symbol of sacred geometry.
Planets and Suns both come about from the same place. After a sun has taken in so many planets that it becomes a Super Nova it turns into a black hole. These blackholes are the point at which all spirals go against eachother. Think of it as a doughnut, and the spirals are the inside of the doughnut, the hole in the center is the black hole. Once the blackhole has taken in enough matter it goes from a negative to a positive and becomes one of those balls of clay.
IF it doesnt get carried away by one of the myriad spirals that happens to be stronger than all the rest it will stay in its location(this is more rare than the first option). If it stays in place it will keep accumulating matter and gas until it becomes a sun, builds a spiral that runs horizontally in que with all the vertical spirals of the doughnut and starts to accumulate its own planets.
This cycle is ever perpetuating and will never end. These are merely the rules of the physical realm though.
The realm outside the physical: The Super Soul, God, the Cosmic Consciousness, and the aether realm are all the same thing. There is a sort of "tank" of high viscosity goo that our consciousness exist in. It is a tank because, like the computer reference I made earlier it must be vacuum sealed and supercooled.
If you are a believer in the Jungian psycological model you will know that we exist as seperate fingers on the same hand, we are all a part of the same consciousnss. We cant see the top of the hand, we can only see the other fingers because the top of the hand exists outside of our physical realm. It is that tank of viscous goo.
There are "key words" and activities which serve to open the valves and release more of it into ourselves, giving us the illusion of a connection to a "super soul" and even an image of a sparkling Openning these valves gives us endorphins and dopamine. Things like petting a dog and adoring the puppy. Things like sex. Things like jokes. It is really pointless to get bent out of shape over much of anything! We can affect the universe by tapping into this.
The foam at the top of the tank of goo s where all bliss is stored...a rapid intake of the goo will give us this foam and we will achieve light body. Religions use key words and codeing inherant in their scriptures as means to open the tap and bring the vessel(mortal) closer to enlightenment.
When Does consciousness end? It doesnt. Consciousness is being recycled all the time in an infinite loop. If you really think about it...any possible thing that you will experience after death is going to be so strange, so out there, so disconnected from what this was and so different that it must be VERY similar. Your consciousenss has been completely severed off so naturally a new one will make itself clear to whatever befuddled mass of chi/prana/lifeforce/orgone was left of you. All youve done is been transferred to another bubble of the multiverse. Saints, Transcendentals and the Enlightened will leave their mark upon the place they left becomeing names always spoken and memories never dead. They are those whove "beaten the game" and left their high score. Their reward is they get to exist outside of space and time and manipulate it.
Free will is only an illusion. All that is not illusion is the current, the chi, the prana, the lifeforce. These are the ripples and bubbles in the goo. If you tune yourself into it through heavy meditation you can become more sensitive to them, sense them, bend them, mold them, but in the end you arent the one who chose to do it...no one did...you are merely a part of it which was lucky enough to recieve the foam at the top of the tank.
What does the viscous goo exist for? Why do we have to endure this pain and pleasure and endless drama? The goo exists to feed larvae. You cant grow larvae outside of space and time so the beings of pure light which I will refer to as "architects" created this goo to feed them. Inside each bubble you have space, time and rules of science. The larvae feed off the space and time to get older and eventually turn into something we cant quite comphrehend. Perhaps this exists on a smaller scale too and we could be snuffed out in an instance by a misplaced shoe, perhaps though, and Ive got a strong feeling about this, the goo posesses so much elasticity and viscosity that it is indestructable. It will only rebuild itself and mend itself over time.
There are many ways to open the valve and let light energy in. No way is inherantly better than the others as they all accomplish the same thing.