(no subject)

Apr 27, 2008 03:27

I am sad for my love has left me. She is with me no more. I am now the lone sorcerer in my tower; reading from my tombs and refining the art of alchemy. My life has frozen in solid motion and I may not move on until I do "something". I have been heald captive by Sekhmet. Ive lost touch with Maya.
Those listmakers plan for my demise.
Those listless angers raise up in my enemies eyes.
Free from desire now I may be.
Whoever is lost must pay the fee.
Where fools go to wander may true light see.
Where drulls go to plunder may lusts fly free.

I cant find it
who would ask for help?

Why must the goddess turn her back on me? She had given me her blessing only a few moments prior. Perhaps she is out of phase. She is like the moon, not always visible. She is like the seas, not always favorable.
She is like me. She is a f[l]ake.
A phony a fraud and a phage.
A sorcerer a witch and a sage.

Where do hearts go to beat free anymore?
Whose got time for me; am I a whore?

What do you see when you look in the mirror?
WHo do you see when you look in here?

I cant hear my mind because its been silenced
cursed by the ages and taunted by the wanters
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