
Nov 28, 2008 09:03

I'm sure all of your Thanksgivings were good.

Ours was nice and relaxing, and too much food :)

We slept in late, were picked up around 11:00 and headed towards Newman Lake where Chris' parents rented a place. We hung out, enjoyed the Thanksgiving meal, cleaned up, and then had a movie on (Pirates of the Caribbean 3) and played a game of Rails... and passed the baby around :) We also nibbled on stuff for dinner.

We were supposed to say something we were thankful for somewhere around dessert, but dessert became kind of informal, and the thankful things were never said.

I'm thankful that my nephew thoroughly enjoyed his pre Christmas Christmas present! It's always a pleasurable feeling when people enjoy the foods you make for them- especially the special ones.

Overall- a great Thanksgiving... even the broken jar of molasses was, while a little sad- more humorous than anything.

Work for a couple of hours today, and then enjoy more relaxing Thanksgiving weekend!
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