I don't know why, but I'm wiped this morning. I got in an hour late because I just couldn't manage to haul my carcass out of bed. And this after actually using the CPAP last night. Maybe I'm just crashing from the huge Mt. Dew I had yesterday.
I finally got my seedlings planted out last night, finishing up just as it got too dark to see. Today is their first day of full sunlight (they'd been in dappled shade). I anticipate a few singed edges, but they are large enough that they should be able to take it. I think. I really got them planted out late. They only filled about half to two-thirds of the bed, so it's off I go to buy more annuals. One of these days, I'll have the smarts to slip a few perennials in there so that I don't have this huge thing to do each spring. OTOH, it's nice to be able to do something completely new every year.
Yesterday, I was taken out to lunch by a co-worker: someone with whom I converse from time to time, but I don't actually work with her. She started after I did, and she occupied the cube next to me before they moved me into the short cubes. That's probably the sum total of any send-off I'll get. Which is fine. The rest of my co-workers are guys, and guys don't do sentimental send-off stuff. Especially since I hardly interact with them anyway.
On Monday, my mom came up and we went to Red Butte Gardens, an arboretum and flower garden that is above the University of Utah, right at the base of the mountain. (The last time I'd been there, it was late summer after an especially hot and dry summer, and all the plants were shriveled up.) The columbines and penstemons were out in force, as were bearded irises, honeysuckle, and various and sundry other fleurs. It was a perfect day for something like that: not too hot, but sunny nevertheless.
Then we went and saw Mission Impossible: 3, which was really quite good. The pacing was really well-executed, the plot wasn't so convoluted that you couldn't follow it, and there was just enough misdirection, cool gadgets, and vertiginous action sequences to make it thrilling. Perfect escapist fare. What was weird was seeing it in a room full of people. Back when I was sick, my mom and I used to go to movies at 2pm, and we'd be the only ones there.
Then I took her perennial shopping at WalMart, which didn't yield the best results. I would have taken her to the nursery by my house, but they're a bit pricey. When you go plant shopping at a non-nursery (grocery store, Home Depot), they don't water the plants nearly enough, and half of them are shriveled up and stressed from the hot and dry. Not if I were in charge of it, no sir. I'd keep them plantses hydrated.
And one more thing: usually, people born with deformities look like freaks, but in
this kid's case, it looks kinda cool. Who wouldn't want an extra arm?