Sakura Sake- Chapter 7a

Oct 22, 2012 14:57

Title: Sakura- Sake
Author: takelo14
Pairing: YunJae, other pairings to come
Length: (7a/?)
Genre: Drama, Romance, Action

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Project Sakura was initiated to save the human race. Jung Yunho, was the project manager, resposible for the hybrid humans created known as Experiments. What will happen when he get's caught up in something bigger than he can handle? What will happen to Jaejoong?

Previously: ( 1 )( 2 )( 3 )( 4 )( 5 )( 6 )

Sakura Sake 7a

They faced the intruders, tensing up as the men got uncomfortably close. Yunho, suspicious of the situation shoved Jaejoong back, and tried to signal Junsu to do the same. The hand gestures were left unseen, and the atmosphere remained tense.

“Now, now, why don’t we get to know each other.” The second tallest man smirked, moving towards them as they inched away.

“What do you want?” Yoochun, who had kept quiet, asked, “look man, we don’t want any trouble. We’re not doing anything wrong either.” At that statement, Yunho felt his stomach drop. Though he was doubtful that the pursuing men knew anything about their identities, he couldn’t help but feel bad for dragging Yoochun into everything. Technically, the man himself had followed them, but Yunho felt responsible.

The tallest of the three males, had stayed silent, and the looks he had exchanged with Yunho were dark and unnecessarily intense. It was as if he could stare into his soul, as if he knew what they were doing. However, everyone’s chain of thought was halted as Yoochun turned on his heal, sprinting away. I’m guessing that’s our que to follow? The reaction to Yoochun’s flight was almost instantaneous. One minute everyone was practically stoned, while in the other, there was a scramble to get away on their part.

Yoochun who was ahead, led the way, with Junsu and Hyesung on his trail, and finally, Jaejoong and Yunho. They hadn’t gotten far when Yunho and Jaejoong got separated from their comrades in order to confuse the mysterious stalkers. He wasn’t even sure whether it would work, but the researcher wanted to make sure at least one Experiment will arrive at the HQ. The motivations of the men were not clear, but Yunho was willing to bet that it was nothing good. He pushed Jaejoong ahead of himself, steering the hybrid to an alley.

Old brick walls were covered with graphitie, while the stale smell of trash, drugs, and sex hung heavily in the narrow pathway. Pieces of broken glass and trashed object remained abandoned, decorating the floor with a befitting design.  They had almost reached the other end of the alley when Yunho was about to turn around, his gun ready in his hand to point at the single pursuer chasing them when a sound of a gunshot rang, and sudden searing pain pierced his side from behind. Wobbly knees could not hold the weight of Yunho’s body as they gave out from underneath him. It was initially the shock and not the pain that brought him down, but the shock did not mask the damaged nerves and tissues. Yunho gasped, lungs unwilling to cooperate with his will. As the man lay withering on the ground, the situation hit him like a bullet (pun intended); he still had Jaejoong to worry about.

While previously his dark eyes had squeezed shut to cope with the hit, they were now desperately searching for the innocent Experiment. However, it was too late. For Yunho’s eyes blurred, his hearing warped as he listened to soft calculating footsteps seemingly approaching him, and soon, the strange darkness loomed over him, stealing his mind away from the conscious world.


Changmin had fired with a half hearted aim, his finger lingering on the trigger as he lowered to gun from the researcher. After the five had split up, he had urged his two friends, to Siwon’s quiet inward protest, to allow him to handle Jung and one of the hybrids. Changmin walked towards the fallen man, determined to kill the person who would’ve shot him.

The man was sprawled on the dirty alley ground, and as he came to a stop in front of Jung Yunho, he noticed the smaller form of another body shakily crawling closer to the researcher. Underneath the dull florescent light shining from the nearby street, Changmin’s breath was once again taken away by the pretty Experiment. This time, however, the wide eyes were watery, staring up at him in fright, the pale skin white as a corpse. From his position sitting next to Jung Yunho, Jaejoong rested his hand on the man’s bloody side, still quivering under Changmin’s careful watch.

No mercy, he talked to himself, just shoot the man and take the boy. His arm rose, the gun pointing down at the two. He was about to pull the trigger when he saw the look on Jaejoong’s face once again. Changmin gaped, his gun dropping noisily to the ground. Déjà vu was like a slap to his face, as he was reminded of the night his mother died.

Except now, he wasn’t the victim. He was the monster.

As if in a trance, he bent down, retrieving the fallen device. Once he was on his feet again, Changmin turned away, walking back to his newly conquered lab. And he knew that he would have nightmares.


The sound of his breathing was deafening. With each inhale and exhale, the world shifted to a whirlpool of confusion and disbelief. Jaejoong was unable to tear his eyes away from his fallen care taker. Everything still seemed strange, and unreal, as if reality itself had been hidden with the thin cover of a nightmare. Truth had not set in until his numb hands finally felt again, and the sticky substance marring Yunho’s form became obvious to his senses. Little by little, Jaejoong became aware of the presence of blood; from the coppery smell, to the slightly different hue it held under the dull light.

Even though Jaejoong could not communicate with ease, he sure as hell knew what he was feeling. And on the inside, he was what they call ‘in turmoil’. Guilt and anger ate away at him with each ticking second, bringing forth the realization that he knew nothing. Jaejoong racked his brain for anything useful, but soon became helpless after all; he had spent all of his life practically awaiting death. If it wasn’t for the long painful hours under the careful observation of the white-coated men, his life would be useless, and his body would be a good-for-nothing dumpster of resources.

With those thoughts in mind, Jaejoong faltered; the quiet gasps and crying turned silent at once. And for a second, all was still. His mind went blank. And he released a devastating scream.

A cry for help.



Yunho floated in a sea of oblivion. Or… was he on clouds? Whatever it was, he ceased to care. The intense pain had been replaced by soothing thoughts and drifting consciousness. And for that alone, he was thankful. Wanted nothing more. But a small voice in the back of his brain tugged at him, as if attempting to pull him back to his previous state of awareness. And pain.

But he wasn’t ready to be dragged back. His phantom body ached as slender digits desperately held on to the numb state of mind. He closed his eyes, letting himself fall deep in the abyss, allowing the soothing sensation once again replace awareness.

After all, ignorance is bliss.


It certainly started out as a normal afternoon. Oh yes, definitely started like any other day. Rain staggered around, blocking out the strange looks thrown precariously at his form, yet he paid no heed. Pain had long since become a friend in his life, the ache of being alone in the world had refused to let him be. This however, contradicted his life style. He lacked nothing monetary-wise, as he owned the city’s most known and highly popular host club. But his loneliness and constant struggle for finding a soulmate sometimes led him to drink precariously in his own establishment.

Rain’s careless drinking was also the reason he nearly got his ass kicked in a stupid fight with some random stranger that was certainly more than he could level with.

So he was beaten up pretty good.

And so there he was, stumbling ungraciously in the hood of the city, dragging himself along on the ancient bricks of a suspicious looking alley. Fuck, my body is killing me, Rain clawed at the wall, My head is about to burst open, and I feel like I’m going to hurl. Where am I? The strong blast of trash and rotting food was overwhelming, and it effectively urged him to keep moving along the narrow street towards his apartment.

Rain straightened his back with difficulty, hands still brushing the wall as he staggered by. His senses were hyper-alert, anxiety coursing through his veins, partly because of the eerily dark and suspicious back street. The narrow space between the two brick buildings looked like your typical horror movie scene, in which heinous crimes were committed, and the attackers left the evidence behind. The dirtiness and grimy atmosphere was aided by the lack of lighting besides the one lamp that could be seen on the other side, at the end of the slight passage.

Each careful step carried him closer to the end of the pathway. Rain was about two thirds of the way across when he started to pick up on small noises coming from the end of the alleyway. Curious, he squinted as he drew closer, not hiding his surprise when the outline of two figures became apparent under the faint light he had approached.

“Oh my god.”


Junsu struggled against the hands gripping his in place from behind, paying no attention to the warning the two men yelled over his shoulders. Yoochun had given up on struggling, and trying to escape, as his hands were handcuffed. Hyesung too had the metal constraints binding his wrists together.

It seemed as if the men were short on handcuffs, and Junsu was determined to use that to his advantage.

“Damn man, just stop your wriggling! It’s not doing you any good, and it’s just plain annoying cause you keep bumping into me!” Donghae muttered, pushing the Yoochun and Hyesung ahead roughly when Junsu collided with him.

“…” He kept his mouth sealed, momentarily stopping his constant motion before going at it once again.

“Look, we are not gonna harm you now! We just needed that one,” Siwon nodded towards Hyesung, “and Jae-something. Now that we got him and our friend bagged the other one along with your friend, there will be no consequence.”

“Wow, so I guess you just wanted to capture us against our will, huh. And we are just supposed to agree and go along with that?!” Junsu protested, throwing a look over his shoulder to the intruder behind him that had kept his strong grip on his wrists.

“Why the hell are you doing this anyway?” Voice unwavering, Yoochun growled defiantly. Donghae took a deep breath, prepared to answer when he was stopped by another voice.

“I miss Jaejoong. Where is Jaejoong?” To everyone’s surprise, Hyesung who had kept his silence and had not even tried to escape spoke up, ceasing his steps to look at Donghae with pleading eyes.

“I- uh, well- well, he and the other guy ran to another direction. I’m sure our friend has caught them, and is on his way to where we’re heading.” Donghae responded confidently, “Also, everyone’s questions will be answered once we arrive at our destination!”

“And where is that?” Annoyance was evident in his words and voice and Junsu pried impatiently.

“The Head Quarter of the Board of Science and Research.”


“Well would you look at that… It’s like nothing even happened here. I was here yesterday morning, and here I am once again.” Junsu mumbled, half talking to himself, ignoring the shocked look plastered on Yoochun’s facial features.

The place sure looks different from last night, he mused, I guess everywhere looks better when you’re not being chased down. The long corridor was slowly beginning to brighted with the natural lights streaming in from the oncoming sunrise, which would make the research center bear a much friendlier façade than it should hold. However, the fake warmth had not affected the cold exterior of the stiff-backed forms in official suites and uniforms pacing up and down each level of the building.

Every time someone walked past the group, Junsu squinted in an attempt to identify a familiar face. However, none showed up. Once they were near his brother’s former office, Junsu figured that with the no doubt exploding news about the takeover of the rebels, the scientists and important officials had fled the city to more protected centers that the government provided. This will be interesting. To see how everything turns out, such a large outburst is pretty much unheard of.

“Why wer- are we back?” Hyesung pleaded, breaking Junsu out of his trance. The boy pouted, upset with the turn of events. All he knew was that he liked it better outside of the place he had spent all of his life locked in. After learning what lays behind the cold metal doors, Hyesung was eager to stay away for as long as he could.

“I don’t know hyesung,” Junsu placed a comforting hand on a thin shoulder, “we just… are. “ Narrowing his eyes, Yoochun observed the two’s interactions, still unsure of how to absorb everything. He had never been a lucky person, but now, he was downright screwed. Somehow, Yoochun had gotten caught in a dangerous game the people he barely knew had taken part in.

“Okay, this is ridiculous. I have no idea what’s happening, and for some reason, you guys know exactly what is going on.” Fuming and enraged, Yoochun stopped himself from making an outburst.

“Whoah, calm your tits,” Siwon warned; the man was leading the way into Yunho’s former office, through the destroyed doorway Junsu noted.

“Yeah, you two settle down. Everything will be explained when that Changmin bastard gets here,” the words were harsh, but Donghae spoke of the said man in endearment. The three huddled closer under the watchful eyes of everyone in the room. Junsu guessed that many were in fact guards of some sort. Feeling uncomfortable after minutes of fidgeting on his feet, he took a seat on the hard black sofa.

Minutes ticked by, time seemingly ticking by in slower than they all would have wanted it. Junsu had barely gotten comfortable and readjusted when an even taller figure entered the office, he looked at their captors, noticing the recognition that lit up the men’s faces.

“There you a-” Siwon paused, “Changmin-ah, where are the other two?”

Junsu looked at the tall man sharply, awaiting the much anticipated answer. As he observed this ‘Changmin’, Junsu noticed the slight traces of splattered blood on his hand. Panicking, his body felt like it was acting on its own accord. Soon, he found himself face to face and up close to Changmin. Anger and anxiety filled his being, giving him the extra rush he needed to face the offenders.

“Where are they? Where are Yunho and Jaejoong? What have you guys done to them!” His voice came out as a boom, yet Junsu felt like even then, his anger could not be expressed.

“I-I don’t know.” The hushed response was barely audible. Changmin was wringing his wrists nervously, jumpy as everyone stared at him in disbelief.

“What do you mean you don’t know,” Donghae asked indignantly, “they were the most important part- wait, is that blood?”

Changmin shrugged them off, retreating out of the room in silence.



A/N: I dont even know what to say -_____- I'm so sorry, I've been gone for a very long time.
School is kicking my BUTT.  I'm trying to stay in top 5% of my school so I have to work very hard. I want to be able to go to a good university!!!

I was so touched by all the people who wished me a happy birthday!!!!! And i decided that I HAVE to post something!! so THANK YOU my lovely friends!! <3

Thank you for reading! and if you are kind enough to leave a comment, it would make me HAPPYYYY xD

genre: romance, fic: sakura-sake, genre: drama, genre: action, pairing: yunjae

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