Master Fic List

Jan 28, 2020 23:49


Hello and welcome to my journal ^^

About a couple of months ago, I decided to show my love to DBSK by writing fanfictions.

My main OTP is Yunjae and my journal is pretty much only yunjae. Lol so if you don’t like them, please leave.

I hope that you guys will like my fics :D

P.S.  my smut fics are f-locked.


1.    No plagiarizing! I’ve heard and seen my favorite writers deleting their journals because of this. So please don’t plagiarize.

2.    No  bashing. I don’t mind constructive criticism, but no mean comment.

3.  No re-distribution of my works. PLEASE, do not redistribute!

4.    Comment! If you read, comment!


Please comment on this post to be added.

But please tell me something about yourself. Nothing personal if you don’t want to. But something ^^

Thank you! <3


Adopted Plunnies:

Title: To Say He's Sorry
Pairing: Yunjae
Length: (1/3)
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: PG 13
Plunny: thanks to the original plunny from  anime1812

Summary: Sometimes it's hard to apologize, and once you do, its just too late...

Part 1 ) ( Part 2 )


Title: Behind their Dorkness
Author: takelo14
Length: (2b/?)
Pairing: YunJae, YooSu, MinKrys
Rating: PG13
Genre: Humor, School Drama

Summary: they are handsome, hot and sexy. But they are also the school biggest DORKS. One loves his hair, one loves his jokes, one loves his perverseness, one is proud of being gay, and one needs help to get his old confidant-dork-self back. What happens when they become friends in high school?!

Chapter 1 ), ( Chapter 2a ), ( Chapter 2b )


Outsider chapter 3 (Discontinued)
Author: takelo14
Pairing: YunJae
Length: (3/?) Chaptered
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Summary: Is being in love a good idea in a government-operated Spy school?... For men?.... Jaejoong just couldn't take it anymore. He closed himself off and away from the world. But Yunho was determined to find more about him. Will this druve them closer together? or will this only end up hurting them both?

Chapter 1 ) ( Chapter 2 ) ( Chapter 3 )


Title: A Twist of Love (and Time)
Author: takelo14
Pairing: yunjae
Length: (2/?)
Genre: Historical, Humor, Romance, Angst (at the end)
Rating: PG 13

Summary: Yunho's life changed when he woke up in 1559 CE. Will he ever be able to go back?

Chapter 1 ), ( Chapter 2 )


Title: Silent Maze of Hide and Seek
Author: takelo14
Pairing: Yunjae
Length: (3a/8)
Genre: Horror, Angst, possible death
Rating: PG 13
Warning: (in later chapters) Violence, Gore, Sexual Content

Summary: Yunho is in a living nightmare. Will he be able to get out?...

Prologue ), ( Chapter 1 ), ( Chapter 2 ) ( Chapter 3a )


Title: The Warrior Elite
Pairing: yunjae, yoosu (after chapter 1)
Genre: Angst, Violence, Romance
Length: (6/?)
Rating: PG 13 - NC 17
Warning: Violence, con-consent., Dark themes, Attmepted Suicide

Summary: Yunho lives in a warrior tribe. Violence is no stranger, and wars are a constant thing in the everyday life. Jung yunho is the son of a powerful leader in the tribe what happens when a captured slave from another tribe is brought in the Yakata tribe?

Dedicated to abcdefghiluvyou i <3 u bb ^^


Thank you daigensha_akuma <3 i love these posters ^^

Previous:  (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4) (Chaper 5) ( Chapter 6) (Chapter 7) (Chapter 8) (Chapter 9) (Chapter 10) (Chapter 11a) ( Chapter 11b )


Title: Inner Demon
Author: takelo14
Pairing: Yunjae
Genre: Angst, Romance, Smut (later)
Length: (0/?)
Rating: PG 13 
Warning: swearing, heavy angst, Psychological Problems, morbid

Summary: Jung Yunho knew nothing of laughter, love, and life. And because of his mental illness, Jaejoong had been treated like dirt throughout his life. Can these two make their love blossom, or will they become another pair of star-crossed lovers?



Title: A Dong Bang New Year
Author: takelo14
Pairing: yunjae (main), Yoosu, Min/food
Length: (3/3) three-shot
Genre: Romance, humor
Rating: NC-14
Warning: contains some adult material, mentions of sex, and cursing

Summery: Who knew that a game of dare was going to turn the whole place upside-down?...

Chapter 1 ), ( Chapter 2 ) f-locked, ( Chapter 3 )


Completed One-shot + 2 Sequels:

Part 1:
 Title: Fairy-tales Don't Exist
Author: Takelo14
Length: One Shot  (1,329 words)
Pairing: Yunho + Jaejoong
Rating: PG 13
Genre: Romance, Angst
Warnings: profanity, abuse

Summary:  "I was never a lucky person you see, fate always found a way to fuck with me. I believed that he and I, were destined to be together..." Happy endings don't exist in the real world...

Read more... )

Part 2:
Author: takelo14
Pairing: Yunjae
Length: One-shot (2,034 words)
Genre: Violence, Angst, Horror?...
Rating: PG 13
Warning: tragedy, psycho,  abuse, blood ,

Summary: "He was nothing but a puppet to me, a mere part of the show. I broke up with him just because..."

A/N: to people who haven't read the one shot before this, I would advise you to : Fairy-tales Don't Exist

Read more... )

Part 3:
Title: Written (ALTERNATE ENDING TO Fairy-tales Don't Exist)
Author: takelo14
Pairing: Yunjae
Rating: PG 13
Genre: Romance, Fail Humor, Fluffy (just a bit)
Length: One-shot
Warning: half-way smut

Summary: "My hand landed on the door knob, and just as I was about to pull the door open, guards appeared..."

Read more... )


Title: Impossible
Author: takelo14
Pairing: YunJae
Length: One-shot
Rating: pg-13 (for language)
Genre: School, Drama, SUPER ANGST
Warning: Character Death

Summary: By the time he is ready, it might already be too late...
Read more... )


Title: It's a Beautiful Day
Author: takelo14
Pairing: Yunjae
Genre: Angst, Romance, Drama
Length: One-shot
Rating: PG 13

Summary: He wished he would've held on tighter.

('When Yunho was younger, he met an angel..' He wished he would've held on tighter...)


Title: Bruises
Author: takelo14
Pairing: 50% Yunjae, 50% Jaechun
Length: One-shot (3,206 words)
Genre: Angst, Smut, Romance
Rating: R
Warning: Sexual content, Cursing, Mentions of abuse

Summary: He does it again and again, and Jaejoong forgives him every time. Everything piled on, turning him to the emotionless person he is. Will he be able to break away?


Read more... )

Title: Grenade
Author: takelo14
Pairing: Yunjae
Length: One-shot
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: NC-14
Warning: death, dark themes, torture, blood, mentions of sexual activities

Summary:   I would go through all this pain~   Yes I would die for you baby~ But you won't do the same...~

A/N: based on the song 'Grenade' by Bruno Mars.

(He slowly turned around, willing himself to face the person who shattered his heart...) )

Title: My Lovely Valentine
Author: takelo14
Pairing: Yunjae
Genre: Romance, Drama ,Fluff
Length: One-shot
Rating: PG 13

Summary: Valentine day is approaching in a certain high school.

A/N: A gift to my readers <3

"Although he had many drooling over him, he only had eyes for one person..." )

Title: If this was a dream…
Author: takelo14
Pairing: Yunjae
Length: One-shot
Genre: Romance, Fluff (in a very strange way), Psychological, Angst,
Rating: PG13
Summary: Yunho did everything he could to keep Jaejoong with him, but now, he’s not sure of anything anymore.

' “Jaejoong-ah,” he murmured into his lover’s ear, “Why didn’t you come out of your room, boo? You're so quiet lately.” As his words flew out, Yunho could swear that Jaejoong’s body stiffened in his arms, but he dismissed that as his imagination.'  )


Title: I'lll Set You Free
Author: takelo14
Length: drabble (125ish words)
Pairing: yunjae
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst

Summary: For you, my love, I'll gladly take the suffering

Read more... )


Author: takelo14
Title: A seasonal Change
Pairing: (YunJae?...)
Length: Short One-Shot (drabble) 
Rating: PG
Genre: Horror, Angst
Summary: ' "i found you" a shudder went through my spine. I felt shaken to the very core of my existence.'

By the way, this **blah blah blah** means they're thinking it. Okay?

Read more... )

* * *

A/N: so just a reminder, NO re-distributing please!
and comment if you read anything!

and i also hope you guys will enjoy my fics <3

! master fanfic list

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