Sakura Sake- Chapter 6

Aug 03, 2012 17:08

Title: Sakura- Sake
Author: takelo14
Pairing: YunJae, other pairings to come
Length: (5/?)
Genre: Drama, Romance, Action

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Project Sakura was initiated to save the human race. Jung Yunho, was the project manager, resposible for the hybrid humans created known as Experiments. What will happen when he get's caught up in something bigger than he can handle? What will happen to Jaejoong?

Previously: ( 1 )( 2 )( 3 )( 4 )( 5 )

Sakura Sake 6

Yoochun eyed the four walking solemnly ahead of him. Something just didn’t seem right. They were in trouble, and that much was obvious to him. But why and how, he had no idea. To be truthful to himself, Yoochun did not necessarily care either. He had lived an awfully boring life up until the four showed up. Sad, but true. He had inherited the ancient motel from his uncle, as his parents had disappeared and left him with his uncle and aunt to raise. They were unable to have children so all their belongings had automatically gone to him.

His uncle died when he was seventeen, passing down the broken motel and his apartment. Ever since then, Yoochun spent his time trying to run the business make enough money to survive off of.

“Hey you guys, can we go to a restaurant? I know a good one that will give you a mouthgasm. Simply put, it’s amazing.” Yunho paused, looking disturbed. Yoochun shrugged.

“We are in the middle of a rushed escape and all you can think of is how hungry you are, and the best restaurant around?” Yunho’s expression was hazed and slightly angry.

“Well, we need to eat anyway hyung, I think-”

“No, absolutely no stopping until we get to the edge of district 14. If we continue on at this rate, the trip will take at least an extra three days!” Outraged and mortified by the lack of logical thought in Junsu and Yoochun, Yunho started walking faster.

Yoochun kept his mouth shut, throwing daggers at the stiff man speed walking ahead of them with his intense stares. As frustrated and hungry as he was, Yoochun was determined to watch quietly and see how long it took for the latter to start wearing down and understand that he was being selfish. The heat had only gotten even more severe, reminding them of the unusually warm autumn they were experiencing. Having no food or water on them, Yoochun was rethinking his choice of joining the four in their mysterious quest to the edge of the country.

Yoochun was unsure of their exact location for his busy life had rarely allowed him to explore much. The taller skyscrapers of downtown Seoul however had started to shorten as they entered yet another district. A loud buzzing sounds hit his eardrums, and at the same moment, a low rumbling shook the ground. The old subway was still running, and though rather unsafe after years of use, most of the citizens couldn’t get around otherwise.

“This is getting ridiculous. Its already been 3 hours. I’m hungry.” Yoochun growled. His empty stomach was eating away at him.

“Yun- I’m hungry.” Jaejoong added softly, tugging on the back of Yunho’s shirt.

“I’m hungry!” Hyesung put in defiantly, frowning. The experiment let go of Junsu’s hand to joing Jaejoong’s intruding hand.

“Yes! We are all starving! Let’s go eat already hyung.” Junsu pleaded, urging his elder brother to utter a response.

“Would you all just shut your mouths already? We only have one more district to go through! Just hold on a while longer.” Although Yunho was trying his hardest to be reasonable and fair, they had a goal to meet. It was for the bestin the overall picture. The faster they move the less time they waste, the sooner they would arrive at their destination. It’s just common sense!

“I understand if you have your pride and such, but we need to eat to go on for fuck’s sake,” Yoochun gathered Junsu, Hyesung, and Jaejoong to stop them as they neared an Italian restaurant, “But either you come with us to eat here,” he pointed to the glass door, “Or you can carry on ahead by yourself.”

Yunho looked him up and down, an unreadable expression coloring his sharp features. Jaejoong fidgeted beside him uncomfortably when Yunho held out his hand in his direction. For a moment, all eyes were watching them, and the tense atmosphere broke when Jaejoong took Yunho’s hand.

“Are you coming Junsu?” Yunho half heartedly asked, his voice wavering a bit, as if giving his decision second thoughts. His brother glowered at him, crossing his arms in defiance.

Yoochun on the other hand stared hard, knowing that Yunho had every intension to part ways with them, but Jaejoong’s stomach sounded loudly right as they started to turn. Jaejoong was crestfallen and embarrassed, quick to hide his features behind a shield with his free hand.

Yunho’s cheeks puffed out, pouting.


For the 9th time, Changmin scowled, crumbling another piece of paper. His long fingers brushed against the prestigious computer, pressing the tips of each digit on the glass-like invisi-screen. The chemical formula was not correct, and he couldn’t figure out why the Hydrochloric acid solution would not reach a high enough molarity.

Within the few hours they took over the institute, Changmin had begun to explore and experiment with the numerous gadgets. For the most part he had started to read and analyze the data that had been left behind. However, not everything was complete. There was proof of hybrid human experiments yet nothing of use was found. A nagging feeling had been dragging him down ever since he started reading the files of the ‘Experiments’. For the most part, the scientist in him was itching to get near the two revolutionary beings.

For now, Changmin started entering a new formula, trying not to break the device in his frustration.

“Hey! Minnie-ah, its well past our usual lunch time,” Donghae barged in, a half stumbling Siwon entering after the shorter man, “Oh come on, give it a rest. You have to eat something, get your ass up.” The researcher shook his head, continuing with his work.

“No no, I am still working on this screw up.” An irritated response was voiced by Changmin, yet his eyes stayed stuck to the screen.

“You’re always doing something. It’s no different this time.” Siwon pursed his lips, grabbing the tall man’s arm with the help of Donghae, ignoring his protests.

“I don’t know why you guys are so persistent. Someone has to stay to get something done… And it sure as hell isn’t either of you guys.”

“Hey, we are just worried about our dear, dear, DEAR, friend. And there is this hot new club that has opened, and they say that it has legit Vodka!” Donghae said dreamily, eyes sparkling with anticipation.

“I thought you guys said we’re going to eat lunch. It’s not even night time yet, booze are no fun when the sun is shining.”

“Does it matter where we go? I mean… ok, fine. Let’s go to some restaurant and grab a bite. But seriously though, I am really hungry.” Siwon groaned, holding his stomach.


Jaejoong stared with wide eyes as the waitress placed two plates full of hot pasta on the table. Dark brown eyes shining with wonder as the mouthwatering scent washed over him. It smelled like the warm summer sun and comfort all in one amazing miracle. He looked up, waiting with anticipation for Yunho to tell him what to do. The said man was reaching for a plate, taking his portion of the food, and piling on a smaller plate. Jaejoong locked gazes for one awkward moment with Yunho, and dropped his head immediately.

“Alright, don’t just stare me down, you guys have dragged me down here didn’t you?” Yunho said impatiently, a bit uncomfortable with the smaller Experiment sitting across from him.

Jaejoong sat still, the silverware on the table confusing him. He was not sure what they were for. He observed as the other four sipped their drinks before he started to mimic.

Yunho glanced around, stopping his chewing abruptly when a certain Experiment came into his line of vision. The raven fumbled around, unsure of what to do. He leaned forward  That’s so cute… Almost as if he had been struck by lightning, his back stiffened. No, he could not get attached. As soon as they were at the military HQ he needed to follow up his discontinued studies. Jung Yunho could definitely NOT get himself jumbled up in this mess. Any sort of emotional relations with either of the two would be disastrous to him and his research.

Just the thought of having to operate on someone he cared about made his heart burn. He picked up his fork, his facial expression emotionless. As if sensing the tension, Hyesung spoke up in the odd silence.

“How you use this?” His lips puckered in a small pout, as he held the utensils unsurely in his hands. Junsu picked his fork and spoon up, using his fork to twirl the noodles around it, with his spoon underneath holding the food as he did.

“Come on Hyesung, you too Jaejoong, do this with me. That’s right, move your fork, no the other one, around.” He smiled lightly.

Jaejoong dropped the metal, grabbing the pasta with his hands, shoving it in his mouth. The sauce smeared around his lips, his taste buds overwhelmed by the flavor. His eyes widened, a twinkle in his eyes when he beamed up at Yunho and Junsu. Yoochun who was sitting next to the small hybrid wrapped his arm around his neck.

“You are so cute! Can I take him home Yunho?” Yoochun cooed as he ruffled the ebony strands of hair.

“Not even in your dreams. It’s not happening.” His reply was short and cold, not looking up. Jaejoong was the result of everything he had done in his life. Out of his peripheral vision, suddenly popped up a group of people who had entered the restaurant. Yunho glanced uninterestedly towards them, when his eyes locked with a tall male.


Changmin followed the two men tiredly, the files hanging loosely in his hand. Their voices drifted around but his mind was not processing the words. Everything kept sending him back into the information he had just read, particularly the two hybrids.

“Come on, sit down Minnie, we’re here.” The restaurant was cozy, but by the looks of the filled tables, it seemed to be good enough. The tall man sat down lightly, reading through the white menu on the table. A waitress walked by with a nice smelling dish balancing on the black tray. As he turned around he caught sight of the five men sitting at a table near them.

Immediately, as if his brain was electrocuted, Changmin jolted out of his cloudy state of mind. A brown haired man kept their eye contact, an intense aura seemed to illuminate from the strong frame. A couple seconds ticked by, and Changmin couldn’t keep up with the intense staring game. That was when he finally noticed the facial features of the companions of the electrifying man.

No. No way. How can this be. I-I thought they’d be long gone. I need to get them. Both of them are here. This is my one and only chance.

“-nd you know what? I told him he can go FUCK HIMSE-” Donghae was chatting animatedly, Siwon leaning on his elbows, listening tentatively when they were cut off. In a hushed whisper, Changmin nudged them in order to attract their attention.

“You guys it’s THEM. It’s- no! No, don’t look back.” His heart pounded wildly in his chest, lung tissues struggling to deliver oxygen to his brain.

“What are you talking about? Who-” Siwon muttered, eyes glued suspiciously to the mentioned group of men. Changmin opened the file-folders pushing the stack gently towards them. As his companions realized the similarities between the people in the picture and two of the boys, their backs stiffened.

“Whatever you do, I need you guys to keep those two boys alive. Don’t harm them. Not a single scratch or you’ll spend the rest of your miserable lives as a eunuch.” The brown haired man ordered, hands shaking as his fingers brushed against the cool metal of the gun in the leather coat pocket.

As important as the newly graspable research could be for his goals, Changmin didn’t know if he could use the deadly machine on anyone. But if it came down to it, he’d have to do what he had to do.

“Now we can’t cause a disturbance in the public. We need to follow them out, just don’t be obvious and keep your guns real handy.”


The five walked out of the Italian restaurant, well-fed and thoroughly satisfied. Jaejoong tentatively inched close to Yunho, slipping his hand in the larger one. With a beating heart Jaejoong avoided the burning gaze of the researcher. Yunho pointedly looked ahead, eyes cold, yet his mind was in a state of chaos. Unsure of how to react, the dark haired man focused instead, on the soft skin against the palm of his hand.

They walked for about fifteen minutes, their footsteps tired and worn out already. With the sun setting and the exhaustion kicking in, with their slowed pace, Yunho soon took notice of their surroundings. They seemed to have finally reached the lowest region of the area. They had entered the slums.

His fingers unconsciously tightened around the small hand, but he soon let go, and instead draped his arm nervously around Jaejoong’s shoulder. Junsu beside him had also pulled Hyesung close with Yoochun in between the two pairs.

“This place is making me feel nervous. Hyung, let’s move qui-” Junsu mumbled out hazily, yet his words were left unfinished when a strange voice called out from behind them.

“And why would that be sweet heart?”

Then, three men stepped into light.



A/N: I'm so sorry!!! it's been a very VERY long time! I came back from Japan a week ago, and it was AMAZZZIIING!
I didn't expect to love it so much!
So anyways, here's the new chapter, and things are heating up! I'm actually done with the next chapter too  but i'm slightly stuck >.< I have no idea what to do with some of my characters...

I would like to thank my readers, you guys have been amazing. Your comments are inspiring and heartwarming!!! just knowing that someone is reading my writing feels unbelievable :D

comments are appreciated <3333333

genre: romance, fic: sakura-sake, genre: drama, genre: action, pairing: yunjae

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