
May 21, 2010 03:09

Omg, soooo when I found out that Neil Patrick Harris was going to be on glee my first thought was "omg I am so going to be shipping his character with Will no matter how much interaction they actually have." Nice to know that this episode did not disappoint! Plenty of slashy to be happening (or more realistically, some.)

Also: NPH's character/Sue! Um, awesome! This is so an acceptable alternative to Will/Sue, which I have been rooting for since like the beginning of the show, but probably won't happen. But, but - NPH's character says something like "this is hatesex" beforehand - and yet they barely know each other. But come on! Will and Sue legit hate each other. What's with the good characters not being allowed to sleep around? For serious. Also does this mean we can keep NPH please? At least for a little while.

And omgggggg: Idina Menzel's character is Rachel's mother! I so knew it, when I first saw her on glee I was like "omg, if they don't make her related to Rachel in some way, that is a missed opportunity b/c they look so alike" - also good to see this pan out.

I kind of don't like what they did with Artie's character, though. Yes, I know that it was a dream sequence, but I don't know, it's kind of like well yay we have this able-bodied actor and want him to show off his moves so let's find a situation where we can do so... I dunno. Maybe somewhat disingenuous. (Or maybe not; I can't claim to know what it's like to be in a wheelchair.) But what I really didn't like was the "Artie can't dance" thing. This is a serious sitcom reset button retcon thing - did everyone forget already that one of their dances for regionals was (going to be) a wheelchair dance? And how awesome wheelchair dancing pretty much is? I mean seriously. I guess they should have at least mentioned that.

In conclusion, NPH? Is totally hot. Even more so with Joss directing; I totally forgot to mention that, but yeah that was pretty cool - sometimes it's hard to tell what's the director and what's the writer (and I have firm beliefs about the importance of a good script over anything else), but there were some nice subtle moments that I liked.

In second conclusion, I just joined a facebook fan page called "The guy who plays piano in every episode of Glee yet never has a line." THIS MAKES ME INDESCRIBABLY HAPPY. Especially since I was about to make a group to the same effect myself - but look I don't have to; someone did it for me!
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